Option 3 means that the Javascript standards team dies either way, right? Number 3. No hesitation.
the c++ team is a sacrifice I’m willing to make. can we just shoot Brendan Eich in the head if he’s not in there too?
C++ is obsolete now that we have Go
C++ is better suited to lower level operations than Go, C++ can have huge control over the environment (allowing it to be run on bare metal with no OS) while Go is limited due to it using a garbage collector
If there was a replacement for C++, the best bet IMO would be Zig
As someone who knows neither of the three: Why Zig over Rust as a Cpp replacement?
Rust has its own issues.
Before the memory safety craze, Rust was hyped as a functional programming language, meaning it not only has lambdas and monads, but also const by default, which will force you to rethink all your programming decisions. Also no classes, so you do even more rethinking.
I’ve played enough X-COM to know that 50/50 is actually 100%, I just don’t know which way. Better trigger it!!
Javascript Standards Team is such an Oxymoron.
Yeah, didn’t know there was a standard committee and can’t believe how inept they are.
They’ve done amazing work trying to turn the clusterfuck they started with into a good language
That “trying” is doing the heavy lifting in that sentence.
What are some of the outstanding issues that haven’t been addressed? I feel like there are genuinely good ways of doing everything these days
Quickly move the switch while on track, then hope the paths willl be wide enough to stop the trolley.
sudo rm train.sh
problem solved 👍
why would you wanna kill the programming language commitees.
Bottom tracks, easy
Wait, what does the middle track do?
Same as normal but you chose the status quo rather than having it enforced upon you.
It’s the Republican track
deepmind: tr0ll3y m4n r3f3rs t0…
“You and your entire family” means “All life on Earth”.
That should make the decision somewhat easier.
I thought seaweed didn’t have a common ancestor
If you make it “all human live” it starts to look quite attractive again
there might be an argument that JavaScript kills more than a nuclear bomb