Same as normal but you chose the status quo rather than having it enforced upon you.
Same as normal but you chose the status quo rather than having it enforced upon you.
Scratch that. Reverse it. And on we go
As a guy who worked with military a bunch, they also have panic attacks when they forget their vape at home. Lmfao old philipino guy i worked with was a vet and threw a 2 day hissy fit because he lost his vape at home and only quit when he got a new one from the base commissary.
Well that’s not true. It’s just a real bitch. As a welder, helium leak check is about the toughest damn QC to pass. Most welding QC has some reasonable margin for error during inspection, but the damn helium doesn’t care. You can have a beautiful weld with a tiny imperfection at the start or end and it’ll piss helium just as badly as an entirely scuffed bead.
They were the “still cheap but not horrendous trash” option compared to husky at the local home despot last time I looked, which admittedly was a few years back.
It depends on what you’re doing. Metabo makes the best angle grinders. DeWalt makes the most reliable hand drills. Milwaukee is affordable. Imo best bang for your buck is good used tools. S&K made the best rachet set in the world for a time. Starrett and Mitutoyo stuff used to be practically bulletproof. Most modern brands don’t hold a candle to the quality of tools made 40-50 years ago
Needs the “we care ❤️ 🌈” flag on the right side in the rubble somewhere
Nahhhhhh we had a black guy once. Can’t have a black Hitler. Would kamala be the black Irma grese then? Pretty sure you can totally have a black Irma grese
She repeatedly fought to keep non violent criminals locked up in inhumane conditions explicitly for their labor capacity. CA makes big money selling slave labor @ $0.75/hr paid to the inmate.
She is descended from Jamaican slave owners, probably with slave ancestry mixed in. You’d think it’d be an easy slam dunk win for hee to eradicate slavery in the US but the money too good. She got bought.
Kamala is literally a Hitler. Woman openly laughs at forced labor prisoner slavery. The difference between the actual nazis and her office as DA is that they targeted blacks and browns instead of jews. Idk why so many cucks are fangirling over her rn
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It’s a money grinding sim for sure. They’ve added a LOT of content but a bunch of it is gated behind their “expeditions” mechanic. I always get discouraged when I log on and see how much stuff I missed and just can’t get because I didn’t log on between x and y dates. Even the things you can buy if you missed an expedition have their own monetary system where you’re limited by missions which are occasionally still bugged to hell.
Wait till you hear about Christians.
I would’ve been fine with that if that’s how they launched it. It wasn’t. I stopped when they sunset a bunch of shit the first time in the first game. I figured the second would be more of the same, but sunsetting entire DLCs is nuts.
Bro they had a lot of wild shit back in the day. I remember that term specifically because they couldn’t use the word “sex” on the program and had to bend over backwards using every other possible phrase.
The bigger difference imo is the brain development due to hormones in the womb. Old TLC program had a whole section on this suggesting it’s why STEM fields are generally male dominated. Turns out hormones that determine biological gender also very much effect the development of the brain, and the male chemicals tend to develop the spatial reasoning part of the brain faster/more thoroughly than those who get don’t get the male chemicals and stay female. This average higher spatial reasoning capacity creates an advantage in tasks or objectives where complex visualizations are necessary, like visualizing chess moves in your head.
It’s not some massive, overwhelming difference, but it’s enough to tilt the table. Play out that average enough and you have 42 women out of 2500 chess grandmasters
Socialist detected. Calling in an airstrike!
I don’t have hope for a Germany that vocally supports a fascist, genocidal regime (hint: it rhymes with Smisreal).
AFGE does not fight back unless there is a political statement to be made. I was hired as a federal employee in 2023 and endured 6 months of rights violations, gaslighting from management, and incompetence from HR. When I made complaints, I was shitcanned. When I went to the union, I was told that they had no representation since the last president of the local resigned in 2022. I was told “arbitrations are expensive” when I filed grievances that the union refused to back. I was told “probationary employees have no rights” despite my union contract very much specifying otherwise. The ONLY reason AFGE is getting off its ass now is because AFGE as an organization is being threatened. They don’t care about their union members. They only care about their own fucking paycheck.