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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023


  • Usually when people say “gender is a social construct” they mean that when your 7th grade biology teacher told you there are males and females, there was more to the story.

    If someone tried to tell you that you can fit everything into either the “food” bucket or the “not food” bucket, you would definitely have questions. How do we define food? Food for whom?

    If you define food as something edible, with nutritional value… How much nutritional value? A stone covered in lichen probably has nutritional value and I might try to eat it if I were starving to death. Raw grains of wheat might have nutritional value but also might make me sick of I ate them whole, but we all recognize they are generally edible and are usually processed into bread.

    “Food” is a useful concept in that it can usually help guide humans toward sustenance. It was never meant as some airtight philosophical concept.

  • Are you saying that because most people wouldn’t consider acorns and dandelions edible, or worth processing into food, that the definition of food is meaningless?

    Or are you saying that yes you can technically est mud and rocks (what is salt, anyways?) that food is a meaningless concept?

    You can drink your coffee from a bowl but that doesn’t make it a mug.

  • For some reason, I click it, and Google translated it for me?


    me and my team (we are atm 3: me and 2 school colleagues) started a pretty big project last week. I know it sounds crazy, but we are working on a successor to WoW. Please don’t say we can’t do it anyway, because we are very ambitious and are very experienced WoW players. I’m posting here to find more people for our team. We have a modeler (me), a musician (for the background music and sound effects) and a community manager. We are still looking for a programmer to bring the whole thing to life. If you would like to apply, please post what experience you have so far with game programming and what programming languages ​​you know (we want to write the game in Java because we already learned a bit of Java at school last year).

    Our goals/motivation: Wow is now a few years old and Blizzard doesn’t seem to be thinking about a successor. Instead, they create one extension at a time. The graphics are quite old and WoW2 is supposed to look much better (my models are almost photorealistic). The quests should be more exciting (don’t always kill XY, get XY). >There will be epic battles with up to 500vs500 fighters. We have invented two new classes: Necromancer and Hobblings. But I don’t want to tell you everything here and save it for later. I will send a project plan to anyone who is interested. ^We can’t pay for the work, but when we publish it, for example, we share the subscription fees we get ($10 per player).

    Greetings. Wow2

  • I think you could learn a bit about intersectionality?

    So step one, is a group with political and economic power moves/redlines/ghettoizes a group of socially and economically.

    Step two is to devalue that area. Through property tax funded schools. Through eminent domain. Under investment. Racial discrimination. Over policing.

    Step three? People with no economic sway eventually move there because housing is cheaper and capitalism is relentless. Often newer immigrants, sexual minorities.

    Step four, the artists follow suit, because yeah it’s the only place they can afford to live, with all the economic pressures.

    Step five, it’s “safe” and sanitized for the trust funders and yuppies to move in.

    All the while, during the later stages it gets too expensive for the people who had originally lived there to continue to do so.

    And at what point are people allowed or not allowed to notice the cycle that perpetuates poverty, especially race based/zip code based poverty?