Also that’s not how deduplication works.
He means/thinks that SSN is not unique (which is not a problem, just different design).
Of course he’s wrong about lots of stuff, just the nerd in me could not not explain it.
Also that’s not how deduplication works.
He means/thinks that SSN is not unique (which is not a problem, just different design).
Of course he’s wrong about lots of stuff, just the nerd in me could not not explain it.
Fun fact (not really), when docker-compose throws an error on a yaml file it tells on which line the error is. The problem is that it ignores any commented out line, so you end up guesstimating on which line the error is
If your phone is android (I think so) and your jellyfin server has a file share (easy to implement anyway) you can use material files ( It has an option to connect via smb.
Oh that carpet is going to be definitively dirtier afterwards lol.
you should really read “the laundry files” by Charles Stross. It’s a whole series of stories on this topic basically
Graphene and starling, works great
I don’t doubt that, I’m pretty sure you’re old enough that now not even your parents have to deal with you 😝 (Just kidding riding the joke of course, no offense meant)
If you don’t want to handle people at their worst don’t have kids!
ETA since apparently people have no sense of humor and/or no kids: when you have kids there are lots of times that they are at their worst. It’s part of being baby/toddler/children. When they are tired they can have absolute meltdowns. And you have to deal with them, because they are your children and you as a parent have to teach them how to deal with those emotions.
So yeah, kids are little sociopaths that are also absolutely lovely. Don’t want to deal with professional liars and manipulators with also zero remorse, don’t have kids.
First questio is: can you ask your home internet provider for ipv6?
Otherwise sign up to tailscale and connect your vps server (and your pc/devices) to it.
That depends, some people need to be offended and get a reality check. Otherwise just muttering imprecations jnder your breath against humanity at large will get you through the day.
Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to pay the bills!
the question is: why do you want to move on from the Rpi4? Also, how do you plan to handle video decoding 0f x265/av1 streams? Do those miniPCs have a video card with hardware transcoding capabilities? If you plan to do it on software (i.e. CPU transcoding) the CPUs will run hot most of the time.
Absolutely this, nothing else is required. Well, maybe alertmanager if you want to receive alerts
I knew there was going to be someone as childish funny as me in here!
Or with opnsense as well
That is true, I didn’t consider that as I don’t use them.
Yeah, I was thinking something similar. I’m not a DBA but it’s the easiest way (that I can think of) to record all transactions for a certain user.