I just inherited a Python repo where every hundred lines or so, they added a ^L. What is a ^L? you ask. And I say that’s an excellent question. You see, a ^L is an ASCII standard for saying that if you print the plain text, you should split the content onto a new page here. That’s right, for years, a team of people strictly enforced that they consistently add ^Ls everywhere in case someone wanted to print the entire fucking repo onto paper.
It’s an invisible character, it took me quite a while to figure out what it even was.
If ^L is invisible in your editor, you’re using a bad editor.
Not saying page feeds are useful, but you can’t complain that you don’t see them.
This meme is so old it uses jQuery
What programming in Whitespace is like.
That language is actually tab+whitespace
tab is a whitespace character along with space and newline
Fun fact (not really), when docker-compose throws an error on a yaml file it tells on which line the error is. The problem is that it ignores any commented out line, so you end up guesstimating on which line the error is
Easy solution, no comments! Plus then you have a fun puzzle you can figure out over and over again
Obviously a Zero Width Space (U+200B) is placed there
When the void stares back.
Yeah, fixed something like this yesterday.
Turns out the Oracle database can’t count lines. But that’ not really news.
I feel like that’s something a database should be able to do, no?
yea it should get line counts right