“Is this still available?”
“Is this still available?”
I really wish I could find a wolf around. I found only one in my world and I messed up and hit him with the bone instead.
Yep and they were called Neanderthals.
There are a lot of fast moving part with variable pressures and friction all around. All these things create heat.
Apple tried to replace it with Lightning connector. They even were selling EarPods with a Lightning connector. Obviously it was a total disaster.
I think it’s more at the SPAAAACEEE version right now.
Apple has make a lawsuit last long enough to not make it worth it money. The worst a lawsuit against Apple did is stopping sales of Apple Watches for a week.
Apple showing Nintendo their mountain of cash, then cuts them from the AppStore.
This is called an LER. Light Emitting Resistor.
Make the pay option less shitty than pirating. That’s all it takes.
I use Libby to get audiobooks from my library for free.
I feel like this lawsuit was a real Streisand effect for Nintendo. Now everyone know there’s a way to emulate the Switch.
I’m definitely going to wait and see which project stays up after the first sprint.
Don’t contribute to anything right now. Lay low. Keep your source backups. Don’t pay money to some rando’s patreon
WinRAR. It’s really whips the Lammas ass.
Dolphin is still very real and updates frequently (in nightly builds). Check out their GitHub.
I can but we’ll need to re negotiate my salary.
Turn out you can install Ubuntu on the Opi zero2 so I did that and going with docker install following TRaSH turorial
Is this still available?