I feel like this lawsuit was a real Streisand effect for Nintendo. Now everyone know there’s a way to emulate the Switch.
It sure as fuck was. Half of the Nintendo community knows about this situation, and unless for some reason they still have respect for this evil company, they will now freely play whatever switch games they want without giving Nintendo a dime.
I’m sure most Nintendo “fans” aren’t a fan of the company itself, just the games
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I think you over estimate it. I have loved Nintendo games since I was five, but absolutely fuck the company for doing shit like this.
Yeah it doesn’t take a genius to hate Nintendo for simple things like artificially limiting amibos stock to make more money
It genuinely surprises me the amount of diehard nintendo fans who will defend the corporation’s heinous acts tooth and nail that there are. They make good games, and they were my childhood, therefore their wrongs are excusable (or not wrongs at all)!
I’m sure most Nintendo “fans” aren’t a fan of the company itself, just the games
I think being a fan of any company is weird. I mean products, sure, there are good ones, some are definitely works of art. But companies?
I’m sure most Nintendo “fans” aren’t a fan of the company itself, just the games
Yup. I like their games and hate their business practices. Also been pirating their games since the 90s.
Yes it was, but in some ways Nintendo still succeeded In what I believe is their goal - to scatter the developers.
By shutting down Yuzu, they fragmented everyone into forking their own copies and competing to become the next Yuzu.
What’s more of a threat to them? One emulator with thousands of contributors, or 1000 emulators with 2-5 contributors each?
The best thing about open source is the pooling of developers and resources. While forking is neither a good nor a bad thing, it does tend to break up the developer pool.
It could take anywhere from months to years if at all for everyone to finally settle on a single fork and get back to the level of developer pool that originally existed - then if that happens, Nintendo can come along and do it all over again, at least untill they don’t see the value in continuing.
Honestly, anyone that was gonna emulate switch already knew, and nintendo has all their big hitters out of the way so isn’t going to be loosing much in terms of sales to piracy at this point. they just want a chilling effect for switch 2
If I had to guess the reason they’re going after yuzu so hard is that the Switch 2 is going to be architecturally identical and that you will be able to run Switch 2 games.
Doesn’t seem like they’re gonna get the effect they were hoping for; Yuzu’s corpse isn’t even cold yet and there’s already a successor.
All we are seeing so far is updates to the read me files let’s see how we are in a few weeks.
It is the domain expertise that will really set things back. The citra/yuzu devs have to stay away from emulation so the new teams won’t have the same understanding and will be less effective. It is so specialized that I’m not sure how anyone can just jump in and pick it up.
I’m rooting for them anyway. They need to let go of discord either way , matrix private chats with encryption for dev communications.
Yeah, I think the ‘successors’ are still in dmca violation (at least one not sure about the other). But it’s still early days, anyway. Yuzu was successful because of the dedicated team behind it. Just setting up other repos doesn’t mean much yet. It’s gonna take months to see how things shake out.
But you can’t deny the potential chilling effect of it all. Nintendo has shown that they will come for you.
But they also showed with what they will come for you.
If you outsource decryption from emulation, they can’t do it (this way) again
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Yeah. I didn’t even know it was possible to do in a comfortable capacity
Nintendo knows this, but it was an easy $2.3 million and now Yuzu development is essentially halted for the time being, meaning slower progress with switch updates, releases, and new hardware (eg switch 2).
Any victory for the FOSS/emulation community is a pyrrhic one.
I was already emulating, but I prefer to play on a TV so I still bought games for my launch Switch. I was waiting for their next console before I jailbroke it, but annoyance with Nintendo for doing this pushed me to do it this past weekend. Now they’ll get no more sales from me on the Switch guaranteed.
I play switch games on my TV with my Steam Deck docked :) much better than just a switch.
A good option if you have a Steam Deck!
And the subsequent C&Ds/lawsuits to the idiots who are “forking” the tainted codebase will do an even better job of explaining “you fuck with Nintendo and we will literally own you for the rest of your life”
That also assumes the various projects have competent developers (unlikely since anyone with the technical ability knows why you don’t touch this code) and isn’t just a way to rush in some crypto miners and spyware to people who are mad they can’t have yuzu.
What I don’t understand is why developers ever put their names to projects like this. Create the project and distribute it via peer to peer
Most emulation projects are completely legal and something to be proud of. And it’s some of the technically most challenging problem solving that coders could have on their resume. Making a good emulator is incredibly impressive. You very much can get a job based on that.
Because this is generally hundreds, if not thousands, of
yearshours of their life.Part of it is wanting to get some degree of recognition for that. Part of it is that this is very much part of their portfolio for future jobs searches.
Are you an elf? We humans usually don’t live that long.
@NuXCOM_90Percent @PopOfAfrica both recognition and showing the project in a portfolio and even receiving donations are more that possible using an alias. I don’t see any point at all in exposing yourself like that, specially when emulators are legal and your only threat, a single company with way too many lawyers, can be almost completely avoided by not saying the name on your ID and where are you currently living
Yes. I am sure someone could set up multiple shell corporations in different countries and receive all their money in crypto that goes through multiple tumblers. Sure. Regardless, this is not the board to really argue about people being compensated for their labor.
But I will say this. If a person I am interviewing talks about how they can show me the code they have worked on in their spare time but that I cannot ever tell anyone that they wrote it and it is on a different github account and blah blah blah: I am noping the fuck out of that conversation before I need to ask HR what my obligation is to report criminal activity.
@NuXCOM_90Percent WOW you didn’t read my comment at all. First of all, you are exaggerating the level of secrecy needed for getting money here. Nintendo isn’t gonna get the fucking FBI to search for where does the money end (and that’s assuming you’re from USA, good luck finding out where I’m from), so using any cripto currency and a crypto mixer should be enough. As long as you don’t move obscene amounts of money (which you won’t get from this alone), you should be good by just being officially a freelancer on your country.
And, again, EMULATION IS LEGAL, AND LITERALLY NO ONE CARES EXCEPT NINTENDO. If you go to a company and show you’re the developer of a successful piece of FOSS, they will literally just don’t give a shit how your account is named or if nintendo likes it or not. If you can’t understand that emulation is legal just keep shouting to a wall.
So… because this is 100% legal, people should… hide their name and run shell companies?
Because patreon tends to give a shit who they are mailing the check to.They won’t just leave it taped to a wall outside the local Denny’s and not ask questions about who picks it up. Shell companies can help with obfuscating that.
Relying on crypto DRASTICALLY reduces the likelihood people will make any donations to you. And is still incredibly easy to track, even through tumblers (there is a reason graph algorithms are such a hot topic and it isn’t just twitter).
Because, you are right: Emulation is legal (if you thread the needle). Which is why people who spend thousands of hours writing cool software put their name on it. Rather than jump through all these hoops and make themselves look like criminals.
Somebody forked the repo and changed the name != the project is being continued
A hydra never dies
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Get sued for copyright infringement by nintendo for using said picture.
They’ve already used the name, might as well go all in at this point.
Nuzu is just a fork with a rename. There is not going to be real work on the emulator anyways. And it’s even hosted on GitHub… The worst Git server out there.
The Nuzu repository is already wiped.
Correction: migrated to GitLab, but I don’t expect they’ll want to keep it there.
What it gonna be called after Nuzu gets taken down by nintendo?
Nuzu shut down by owner for being called out for setting up a patreon lmao
Damn that was quick, did it even last 3 days?
A day lol
My vote would be NuTwo.
The power of open source compels you!
Imagine trying to defeat piracy.
That’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it works out for them…
And when I say works out I mean gets any updates
Future Devs should take note here and develop anonymously and use git over i2p. Develop in private and push code and binaries to public facing mirrors under aliases using tor.
If you want donations accept monero or something.
Also make multiple forks during development and just have them scattered all over the place in the event one goes down. So each contributor has their own fork with its own branding or something.
Dont publish any instructions showing dumping keys or roms in any capacity representing the project. Do it as Joe Random a regular internet user and let it spread organically.
The only thing they did wrong was having the key dumping info associated with them. Nothing else needed to have been done different. Without that, they would have been completely legal. Dumping roms is totally fine.
You want people to know it was you that did all this technically impressive work and problem solving. Had they not done that one thing, they would have been fine putting their names on their work.
You should really probably keep this on the DL. No reason to shut the project down regardless of what Nintendo does, but this needs to be done quietly now since it’s gotten a ton of attention.
Edit: Just bcz, fuck you nintendo, I’m never buying your consoles again. You lost any remaining sliver of goodwill you had with this move.
Waiting for the nuyu fork to spawn
Eagerly waiting for the jokingly named Cu&Du fork.
Let’s go, as if this was ever going to work.
My inner Professor Farnsworth is disappointed it’s not called Zuzu…