I like how everyone thinks of a different Game after seeing this.
I thought of Overwatch. Switching Characters is such a huge Part of the Game, but some people are just sooo stubborn.
Average Racist troll:
something something Bootstraps something something worked my way to the top
I’m pro unconditional basic income, but I would argue that it’s more about you having to make sure you have everything you need yourself. No one would say to someone who lives completely self-sufficient that he needs “to earn a living”.
IF Trump gets sentenced for his coup, I want a recreation of this photo where he walks to court and someone is selling his ugly Shoes.
How about you care about your own stuff? I gonna buy Norland as soon as I can.
(Ah Gott sei Dank du sprichst deutsch! Eine Diskussion auf englisch darüber ist etwas knifflig zumal es kaum Artikel über die deutsche Medienlandschaft auf englisch gibt 😂)
Bei mir ist es vielleicht genau deswegen umgekehrt 🤔 Ich schaue kein Fernsehen und somit auch nicht Tagesschau und bekomme daher meine Nachrichten eher vom DLF und deren Unterformaten. Daher bin ich und die meisten meiner Freunde sehr darüber informiert. Aber in der Tagesschau usw. kommt dazu nichts?
The German Media is funded by via a fee and is controlled by an NGO.
And I have no Idea what you are talking about, Deutschland Funk talks about the death in Palestine quite often. And how Israel is not tunening down their Attacks and how Shipments of Aid being blocked.
They report very neutral you could even say emotionless. Because they have no need for seeking attention or shock Images because they don’t need to sell their News and Articles.
Trust me, we are very well informed on what is going on in Gaza and how Israel is starving the Region while bombing it to shred. Our News network is pretty good only our politicians seem unwilling to talk about this
The public-funded-Media does a good job there!
I don’t get it ._. Why move?
Better than it evolved to Crab. Crab-Skynet would be terrifying.
Wow. This fucked³.
What. I still rember the article about the Monkeys Musk butchered with his Microchips! This was terrifying and disgusting and now he is allowed to do this to humans?! WTF.
They are really good at networking.
He was deeply involved in toppling South American Governments and in violation of Human Rights. But in his early life he seemd to be a decent Man, so I have no Idea what happened to him. Maybe he got corrupted by Power.
Dafq happened with him. I just read his Wikipedia article. I his early Life he was a decent Man. But then he went from " Somewhere This Negativism Must End " to “okay let’s topple some Governments and who the fuck cares about Human rights.”
Someone needs to place half a Bagel in Trumps and Putins pockets!