God I hate those kinds of players.
Always whining about how their build is bad against a different build, but not realising their build also has advantages over other builds.
I used to play Robocraft, and the people sporting plasma cannons were whining constantly about how their weapon is the only one that requires skill since the other weapons were hitscan. Not understanding that their weapon was the only one with AoE damage.
I like how everyone thinks of a different Game after seeing this.
I thought of Overwatch. Switching Characters is such a huge Part of the Game, but some people are just sooo stubborn.
I once won a RPS tournament with 100 people by throwing nothing but paper, and making sure to tell each opponent that’s what i was going to do. I’m convinced people think paper is somehow weaker than rock or scissors and that’s why it’s effective. That and the mind game of telling them what I’ll be throwing. But even when the others that lost to me affirmed that I wasn’t lying people thought I was lying.
I throw rock every time. My girlfriend caught on. So now when we rps to decide who does something we don’t want to do, she wins.
Unless I really don’t want to do it, then I throw scissors. She still wins most of the time so she feels clever, but I have my out.
I do the exact same thing lol. Works great when youre determined to not do something but want to give the illusion of choice
Rock paper scissors is a game of psychological warfare
Except… if you said you were throwing paper, they would think you were trying to bait them into going scissors so you could go rock.
So wouldn’t they themselves go paper? Why would they go rock?
If he’s being honest, the correct play would be scissors.
But it’s foolish to assume he’s being honest, so layer 1 of dishonesty says he’s trying to get them to throw scissors so he can play rock. Therefore the correct play would be paper.
But it might be a 2 layer lie, where he intends them to see the first layer and play paper to defeat that expected rock but instead play scissors to defeat their paper. Rock defeats scissors.
You can reason your way to any play in rock paper scissors based on how much deception you think your opponent is using. Add another layer and you shift the moves by one.
Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!
How do I read this
The arrow points at the thing it beats
It should be obvious since common sense tells that sponge beats gun and snake beats air
Look at the try-hard playing paper over here.
Paper is overpowered, for no good reason. What does it do? Covers rock? So if I place a sheet of notebook paper over this brick, and slam it into your temple, nothing’s gonna happen, right?
Scissors beats paper for no good reason. What does it do? Cut paper? Now I have twice as much paper!
Ages ago bud light was doing rock paper scissors tournaments for promotions one summer. I was at a bar one night and won. Went to regionals, and in the semi-final I was up against a guy that only threw rock. Each round leading up, every single throw was rock.
I lost to him.
Did he still throw rock against you? Was he beaten by @june@lemmy.world?