I was thinking the same, but less eloquently.
“Femcels won’t date neckbeards, and incels won’t date fat chicks”
Yours is much better
I’ve found a lot of success in working through things logically when the painful memories return.
What does this memory teach me?
Have I learned all I can from this memory?
If it has taught me everything it can, I can set this memory aside, as there is no purpose in dwelling on it.
I am a better person because of the lessons learned, thank you memory, you have served me well. You may rest
This puts me in a position of acknowledging my imperfections without suffering long term regret. I can’t change the past, and if I’ve learned from it, then I need to live in the Now, not the Then
Right on Jim Ryan’s desk
It’s simple.
If the money gained by selling user data is greater than sales lost to piracy because of the required account, it’s a win for the company. They probably figure those countries that can’t create a PSN account are lost sales anyway, so screw em, right?
NGL it’s the only name that readily comes to mind. I’m not deep into cracked games, since my tastes are for smaller games like We Happy Few and Outer Wilds. Steam launcher works fine for those, I’m just opposed to a launcher and account from every publisher. Rockstar, EA, Sony, and others can kiss my shiney metal ass. If I have to create an account, I’m not interested
This seems like a problem some FitGirl could solve 🤔
Short Circuit.
It… has not aged well. The practical effects are decent, and the comedy is okay. The brown-face? Not so much. NGL tho, Fischer Stevens had some great lines:
Howard: What if it goes out and melts down a bus load of nuns? How would you like to write the headline on that one!?
Benjamin: Nun soup?
Ya it’s in the name. Google is synonymous with tracking and lack of privacy. Just another bit we give up to live in the most advanced and free country in the civilized world, governed by it’s its citizens and not a conglomerate of corporate overlords selling our minds by inches.
Ah, I see you also have that’s Gboard
(I literally swiped “ghosts Gboard” twice to get the advice above. Oh look, it happened again)
Can i just thank you so very much for that amazing etymology summary you just made? I can’t even grammar right now, love it!
I felt ya. If it isn’t misspelling word it’s random capitalization in you’re post. Gboard used to just work. Now it mostly sucks
(For the record: *feel *words, *your)
Like punching someone in the dark!
J/K, I have a pavlovian response to the phrase “victimless crime”
TBH I didn’t feel that strongly, but I could not resist channeling BLM
That analogy works for many things these days
Yes, that’s another! Love it
Completely unrelated, my favorite moment in learning non-American English expressions was discovering that an international version of “banana hammock” is “budgie pocket”
My institutional memories prevent me from buying Sony
When the PS4 came out and my old friends were clamoring over it i thought, “In 2003, we swore ‘never again’. In 2013, we broke that promise.”
member digital cameras being 4 megapixel and that was amazing?
member Nokias being bullet proof?
member Nextel push to talk?
member downloading albums on limewire using the coffee shop’s Wi-Fi across the street, cobbling together a Can-tenna using a coke can cut up with a utility knife for a better signal?
member waiting for Penny Arcade to load like one line at a time because everyone was using the free Wi-Fi from the coffee shop?
member file sharing using mp3 discs with everyone on your floor?
i member