This is me with that Super Mario Bros live action from the 90s. It’s objectively shit but 10yo me thought it was straight gas
Big Bertha was done perfectly.
”its garbage but I love it" should be more commonly said than dying on a hill defending the most unremarkable b-movie
Short Circuit.
It… has not aged well. The practical effects are decent, and the comedy is okay. The brown-face? Not so much. NGL tho, Fischer Stevens had some great lines:
Howard: What if it goes out and melts down a bus load of nuns? How would you like to write the headline on that one!?
Benjamin: Nun soup?
I was just thinking of that movie! I don’t remember anything about it other than the iconic “Johnny Five, ALIVE!”
Evan Almighty was a horrible sequel to a decent film. I guess I’m just a tad older than you got having that opinion.
It was a sequel!?!?!
Yeah, its a sequel (sort of) to “Bruce almighty” with Jim Carrey. Not technically a sequel, other than they’re comedies with a Christianity theme.
Isn’t Evan the guy who got the Anchor position over Bruce in the first movie?
He is, yes. He’s Bruce’s nemesis.
Huh, maybe…I haven’t seen it in 20 years 🤷♂️
20 years
Why would you do this
It’s not my fault we’re getting old…
Oooh also remember Bruce almighty now!
It was definitely the better movie.
TOYS with Robin Williams. It is a gentle mixture of childhood nostalgia, Christmas whimsy, military child labor and accurate prediction about the future of war… and it is a touching coming-of-age love story. It all never quite comes together, but I love it for trying. Great soundtrack too.
Lynch’s Dune
The first hour of that movie is perfect in every way.
Milo and Otis.
Solid movie. Just… fucked up that they made it.
If you’re referring to the rumors of killing animals during filming, those appear to be false. Several Humane Societies even put their names on the movie. The belief might come from them using so many different cats and dogs, but that’s because it took 4 years to film and they kept aging.
That’s fantastic if it’s true. It was my favorite film growing up and the reason my family got a few pugs in the late-90s/early-00s (Holy shit, did the poor things have problems). But I’ve read time and time again that animals were hurled off cliffs, had their feet broken to force limping, etc. I never stopped loving the film itself, but it certainly cast a very dark shadow over the entire production.
Edit: Marked unproven (the animal abuse) on Snopes and basically appears to be a giant “who knows?” at this point, given the evident suffering seen in some of the shots (cat howling in pain with a crayfish hanging from its lip, being thrown from a sea cliff into the ocean, etc.), but despite tons of articles about it during the '90s, too much time has passed to really paint a clear picture anymore.
I think I could fix it? Like you could make that story about a live action cat and dog without harming anything.
Loved it a a child. Re watched it as an adult…holy shit. They’re using a real kitten and puppy…they had to use several kittens and puppies…those poor kittens!
They through a kitten to a bear. Into a quickly moving river. Got it to get pinched by a lobster. Through Milo off a fucking cliff!
How the hell did they get away with making this movie, even in the 80’s?
Oh. It was filmed and made in Japan is how.
Freddy Got Fingered
🎶 Daddy would you like some sausage 🎶
🎶 Daddy would you like some sau-sa-ges 🎶
Tom green was … special.
Ok but Freddy got Fingered is legitimately a work of art.
For me, probably Big Fat Liar. “Starring” Frankie Muniz and Amanda Bynes, but the real highlight is Paul Giamatti as the villain chewing the absolute shit out of the scenery for an hour and a half as the kids subject his character to a series of increasingly elaborate pranks.
Flushed Away is a perfectly unironically enjoyable film.
Certainly not the studio’s best work but far from bad
Exactly. Going away from claymation was not the best, but it still has plenty of good humor and fun in it.
That’s not rice, that’s maggots you’re eating!
Larvae, larvae, larvae……
The 80s Clash of the Titans. That movie did not age well :(
I sometimes hear, that people don’t like Clercs 2.
Titan AE. Love that movie.
Ready to Rumble
Joe’s apartment, such a shit film that my brother and I watched over and over as kids