The cheese stands alone.
They are smart enough to know what’s inside without smelling it.
I’m with you, there’s some anime that I’ve enjoyed but I really don’t need a 500 plus episode show about people fighting and shit. Just give me some nice films of anything.
Had the same thought.
Weeds are very easily pulled without damaging anything in a rock garden. Also it doesn’t require fertilizer or water (except for a very small amount for those small bushes).
This does not require mass weed killer, pesticides, and water though?
I thought his, but it seems that I’m just not playing the right games. Couldn’t get into anything. Randomly started playing Cassette Beasts because it looked cute. Devoured it and it’s one of my favorite games now.
I think it’s a combination of tastes changing as you get older and a lot of games being shit.
I’m pretty sure that’s just social anxiety and not being an introvert.