It’s the way they portray female characters as whimpering submissive creatures on the verge of tears.
That or the lolis. I hate when you’re watching an anime that seems good, and then they start sexualizing a nine year old.
I’ve heard the arguments about how it’s a difference in culture, but I don’t think it’s offensive when I say if your culture includes pedophilia, it’s time to take a long hard look at where you went wrong and think about what you should be changing about yourself. Because it’s gross.
Bbbbut they are really a 25 year old trapped in a 9 year Olds body so it’s different.
Check out Jujutsu Kaisen. There’s still fan service but it’s not a 5000 year old child
You guys are talking about shounen not anime but whatever
I think Miyazaki put it best when he said the problem with popular anime is that it takes its inspiration from other anime instead of bringing in fresh ideas and doing things differently. Anine is a genre but it shouldn’t be.
Dark Souls Miyazaki?
I bet it’s the other one
This is my life generally on Lemmy. You can be a Linux/tech person and not be an anime lover or trans fem furry, but they are fucking TIGHTLY entangled here.
It’s like there are actual Japanese people who don’t like anime or something, and still consider themselves Japanese!
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MMM yeah gimme that 90’s Ghost in the Shell.
I’ma be honest I watched it like twice and I’m still lost
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Nailed it
I mean if you don’t want to watch anime simple because it legitimately does not interest you it’s fine. I assume people have tried different animes and no interest caught on.
There is manga and anime for a vast array of audiences after all.
If you don’t want to watch it because of stigma from others than you kinda have a bigger problem. It’s necessary to grow out of the need of validation from other people.
The characters in most anime just make me feel embarrassed for them tbh 😂
I feel that, embarrassment humor makes me cringe up like that one fish from spongebob when he smelled the ugly
Reminds me of sora the troll. (A YouTuber who is the embodiment of cringe.) 😅
This was always allowed. See: rather a lot of actual Japanese people.
I don’t watch anime but the Japanese make some great stuff. Cars and video games particularly.
And Babymetal.
Babies playing metal music? Sounds hc as fuck
I have to admit the same too. I’m a huge fan of Nintendo and other Japanese gaming giants but I don’t watch anime or read manga regularly. I have watched something like Hayao Miyazaki’s movies, Evangelion, Berserk, Dragon Ball and some popular others as it’s “common knowledge of popular culture”.
this is the way.
As someone who has watched more than enough anime: It is an aquired taste and most of it is trash, especialy most of the popular stuff.
To be fair, most Western shows are trash these days, too. There’s a few standouts, and plenty of them are still the stupid kind of enjoyable in spite of being trash, but that’s true of anime, too. Most modern media has just unfortunately become a vehicle for making money, not a vehicle for making art.
Most shows were trash back then as well.
It is just that survival bias makes it seem like it wasn’t.
Anime is often very mind numbing, with some exceptions of course. I have a much better time reading manga when I get the urge every few years, when I try to watch “normal” animes (not critically acclaimed/advanced stuff), I cannot get into it.
I mean, Anime in Japan is like whole different platform. There are so many shows it fills multiple TV channels 24/7.
It is like saying you don’t like what is on Netflix.
You just haven’t found what you enjoy.
Of course, it is fine to not like what is on Netflix, just like it is fine to not like Anime.
If you were looking for suggestions, Studio Ghibli is like the Disney of Japan. A pretty safe bet you’ll at least enjoy it.
I like AKIRA and REDLINE 😈
The reverse otaku
Pic is odd. Why would he want to smoke 2?
It’s a meme about the person appearing to reject smoking whilst holding a smoking device
What’s your stand on only using Japanese woodworking tools?
Pull saws are so much better than push saws.
Start with something simple like one punch man. A lot of people try to get into the 100+ episode classics off the bat and then thing they don’t like anime. But you have to develop a pallet for it
I just don’t like modern anime, it’s too cringey
Watch ancient anime, like Miyazaki’s directorial debut Future Boy Conan in 1978
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I have multiple threads bookmarked in the like of “anime that aren’t cringe” lmao, I need to look it up constantly.
That’s what I’ve found: there’s a dozen or so series that are great going back decades that I’ve found. But whenever an anime fan or friend recommends some, 80% of the time there’s fanservice that is so out of place. I ended up just ignoring most anime for that reason.
You can have sex and nudity, even gratuitous (like many HBO shows), but the casual objectification without even recognizing it puts me off.
I feel different from most anime fans in that sometimes I can ignore it and other times it’s worth dropping the series. A little fan service and cringe nosebleed scenes are just standard anime tropes at this point. But some anime pushes it so far that, like you said, its jarring and distracts from the story. I’ve dropped a few shows just for the annoying fan service alone (Fireforce, Fairytale, Seven deadly sins, etc.)
If you are looking for recommendations of shonen anime that have heart, action, and deep characters I would suggest: Mob Psycho 100 and Ping Pong the Animation. Both of these have a weird art style, but they both have a story to tell that leaves a deep impact on you.
That said, anime is a a big medium and there is something that will appeal to everyone (dramas, sci-fi, romance, ecchi, sports, mecha, horror, comedy, historical fiction, etc.) I’ve linked some helpful anime flowcharts/recommendations that I always refer to when I want to get away from the endless deluge of seasonal anime.
Thanks! That’s really helpful.
I wish that first one with content warnings and flowcharts defined what they considered NSFW and Bloody content. Just glancing first off, I watched One Punch Man but don’t recall NSFW content. Maybe that girl in the green dress?
- palate as in the roof of your mouth (for enjoying the taste of wine etc.)
the 100+ episode classics
Nothing with more than 100 eps has ever been good or classic, change my mind.
Inuyasha, Dragonball, Ranma ½, Fist of the North Star, Lupin the third, Urusei Yatsura, Jojo, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Hunter x Hunter and a bunch of others.
Some are good, some are definitely classic, and a few are both.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Mostly because it’s not sourced from, or meant to be, weekly episodic content. It’s from a set of space opera novels, so the animated version is like when people adapt Game of Thrones. It’s also technically not an Anime, but an OVA.
There’s nothing really cringe about it. Just good story in an animated format.
I did not expect to see the correct answer to this question. LotGH is the only anime with more than 24 episodes that’s worth anyone’s time.
yeah but seriously though the rail system in tokyo aaaaaaaaaaaaa 😍
You should come and visit Spain, much more high speed rail and a similar quantity of seafood ;-)