I am stealing that mmand name for tabletop
I am stealing that mmand name for tabletop
Fuck that we broke away centuries ago.
It means the round fired by the gun is .308 inches in diameter, or 7.62mm. Gun caliber is measured in inches for Imperial.
Shit you just described my niece, a self professed stalinist.
Birds in general don’t like things on your face in my experience. It’s either turbo Satan and must die or dirt and therefore must be groomed away
It’s a three year old that stays that way for 50 years
Journey to the center of the Earth and probably The Rundown one of the better movies The Rocks been in. Christopher Walkens the villain
Just for the record I agree with you, but the opposite of that final question is true, why shouldn’t she be a white dude, or a PoC man? Ranching/farming isn’t a job that requires a specific gender or sex.
Meteors light up where they will hit
All about that Germanium based food personally
Actually there are swords that were in fact peasant level weapons, because they were farm equipment like machetes are
So this is how Shibidi Toilet really started
I don’t care if you are god don’t tell me what to do
Always happy to help, it’s not often that my families multiple generations of dog breeding and training actually provides relevant information to internet conversations
We call them that because they were meant to drive badgers from dens. It’s why they are so inclined to be aggressive little shits when not properly trained
What you didn’t hear about the universal patch that increases server performance by 420% if you tilt them exactly 69 degrees?
Doctor scribed the supplements, douche nozzle
You mean we have cultural differences to the rest of the world? How diverse!
The primordial code from the Quake engine in pretty much ever 3d game giggles at the passage of time