Ayo the car thing is absolute bullshit.
10mm bolt for the fuckin brake caliper but 3/8 for the fuckin slide bolts?
Get the fuck outta here
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Don’t know what car you’re driving but I think you’re just using the wrong size wrench/Allen key
My last car was a 2012 ford fiesta. The lug nuts are 19mm. The caliper bolts were 10mm and the slide bolts were 3/8.
The car before that was a 2001 cavalier. Not only did it have metric and standard bolts but the slide bolts were fuckin Allen heads.
Like literally why?
Probably because they were made by American car manufacturers and couldn’t make a logical or consistent design decision if their lives depended on it.
Like I’m not even an engineer and I’m just screaming about the dumbest decisions made by people who make more in a week than I make in a year 😭
The last one I ran into is that the Windshield Washer Fluid Reservoir in a Chevy Bolt is about 1/4 cup smaller than a standard 1 gallon jug of fluid. You could have expanded the diameter of the fill tube by less than 1/8 of an inch and fit that remaining 1/4 cup of fluid in there.
Yeah, but the difference is that they made it so you need an extra socket or an alan wrench. I think you’d have made dumb decisions that were a little bit more deadly.
It’s usually cost. They have tooling to produce components that have probably been around decades. The cost of retooling just to change the fastener sizes may not be economically viable. Eventually these legacy components will be phased out and it will be 100% metric.
I especially hate the T series bolts
Don’t forget the most important US measurements of them all: 5.56, 7.62, 9, etc.
Oh wait…
.308 is 7.62, civilian measurement vs military (there’s actually implications related to pressures, sidewall thicknesses, machining tolerances, but yeah same same)
Yeah, it’s generally safe to shoot 7.62 from a 308-chambered gun, but not the other way around.
Same for 5.56 and .223.
pls explain 🙂
.308 is caliber in inches thus not metric.
why do they use decimal for imperial units?
Because even people who worked in imperial recognized that dealing with stupid fractions is stupid.
I have a 77/250 rifle at home because I’m a real American.
Because they couldn’t rationalize using fractions.
It means the round fired by the gun is .308 inches in diameter, or 7.62mm. Gun caliber is measured in inches for Imperial.
Machining is often done in thousandths of an inch.
so why don’t they write 1/1000 in then?
Because, unlike internet pendants, machinists have shit to do.
Also, the imperial system is defined through the metric system.
In using imperial, you’re just using metric with extra steps.
No Python without C
nightmare nightmare nightmare
But no GIL if I’m not mistaken. Which means you can get some multi threaded tasks to run much faster without jumping through hoops.
Sounds like someone made a trip to the Levi’s store
Hey look it’s Trowser!
My goto phrase when I want to troll people: “The creators of python called it that because they wanted a name that started with P, as a nod to its predecessor, Perl.”
It’s not exactly Ken M level, but post that anywhere and the amount of angry futile typing can faintly be heard around the world as other geeks start fuming.
I could feel a disturbance in the force 2 hours ago. Now I know it was precisely when you wrote this comment.
My goto troll-nods are all “subtle” which always makes me laugh harder and my trollees groan louder.
What a stupid reason to get angry.
Especially as everything needs to be rewritten in Rust anyways
Everything is just C with extra steps.
Which is just assembly with extra steps.
Or is it the other way around??
The Imperial system is not defined though the metric system, the US Customary system is.
Your statement is incorrect
Since the Weights and Measures Act 1985, British law defines base imperial units in terms of their metric equivalent.
Supplemental article: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_yard_and_pound
In the UK, weed is measured in authentic receding British imperial units where an ounce weighs one less gram every year.
Hah, nice
The army uses metric almost exclusively. It’s where I learned it.
Yep. One “klick” is one km.
I think the main problem US people have with metric is their aversion to anything that has more than two syllables.
Far worse: It’s laziness.
I was teaching a friend how to make ravioli (yes, really) from the class I took while over in Italy. I bring my scale to measure the dough and the first thing she does is use the scale to get the right measurements and then, scrapes the contents into an imperial measuring cup. Worse, she was totally pissed when the semolina was not a perfect match to the 00 flour (mass and all that).
She is a tried and true American. She just wants to whip out her 1 cup without measuring weight and can’t fathom why the dough just “wasn’t like I taught her”.
By the way, the super secret Italian recipe is this: Ingredients per 2 people (spaghetti or tagliatelle) 100 grams total of: 50% white superfine flour 50% semolina Add 1 egg per 100 grams of flour
For ravioli, you want more superfine (00) flour so the pasta sticks together better. So like above, 100 grams total of: 60% superfine flour 40% semolina
Add 1 egg per 100 grams of flour.
But I want it to be one cup of egg!
Medium or large eggs, (the most common size) is about 5 eggs per cup, 4 per cup of extra large. - YMMV slightly depending the exact eggs your have.
Of course there’s a cup measurement for eggs.
What was I thinking.
To be honest, ain’t nobody using that measurement unless you are using commercial canned shelled eggs for speed. And even then you are probably just going to open the can and dump the whole thing. But it does show that the system is complete.
Rare indeed would be the home cooks/bakers that used that.
Go for it
What most people miss about weight vs volumetric measurement when cooking is that it’s all about ratios. And if you had been paying attention in math class, you would know that ratios are unit less. Which means as long as you keep the proper ratio between the ingredients, it matters not one whit on how you measure them. You can weight, you can use cups or spoons or handfuls and pinches to achieve the correct ratio. You even demonstrate this by stating that the ratio of flour to semolina is 1:1 or 3:2 depending on the end use. And one extra large egg, (about 55 grams or 2oz), should make for a decent conversion.
But before you change units of measure, you need to be sure that the changes still hold to with the tolerances of the recipe. Something most people can’t do very well - much like your friend.
And never forget - the true masters of fresh pasta making at home are all those little old Italian Grandmothers. And they are probably just eyballing it all anyway.
Which means as long as you keep the proper ratio between the ingredients, it matters not one whit on how you measure them. You can weight, you can use cups or spoons or handfuls and pinches to achieve the correct ratio.
The problem with converting a 1:1 ratio of ingredients measured by weight and a 1:1 ratio of ingredients measured by volume is density. Two different kinds of flour may pack differently and thus have different densities enough to effect the consistency of the dough. And with something like flour, a cup of sifted flour is less wheat and more air than a cup of scooped flour.
It’s all about the ratio. The density does not matter as much as you seem to think. Plus there is a tolerance built in. Just think, you so carefully measure everything out with weight (did you get the weight exact?). Then you randomly toss a bunch of bench flour down when you kneed the dough. You have literally no clue as to how much weight of flour/semolina the dough picked up. So it really doesn’t matter as much as you might think. Now your scale does make it easier for you. And that’s fine, I have a kitchen scale and use it regularly myself. But I understand it doesn’t matter as much as you seem to feel it does.
And again, those Italian Grandmothers are just eyeballin’ everything anyway.
To be fair you sound like Data from TNG Season 1 if you say something like “Give them a centimeter, soon they have a meter.”
Except in electronics. Everything is still .1 inch headers. We invented too many electronics and it’s stuck now.
It is also annoying that the electronics industry prefers the term “mil” for 1 thousands of an inch. Why not use “thou” like machinist use?
Not all of it though. Like JST plugs, barrel connectors, breadboard pin spacing, etc.
- talking to my european friends
- talking to my african friends
- talking to my asian friends
- talking to my south american friends
- talking to my north american friends (exceptions apply)
- talking to my oceanian friends
- talking to my antarctican friends
Alright friend-haver, no need to flex that hard on us
bro measured stuff with his friends
what’s better than hanging out with boys, measuring your things?
Americans will use anything to measure, except the metric system.
How many friends to a furlong?
talking to my antarctican friends
Gotta go to !linuxmemes@lemmy.world for that.
Quote from article(translated)
Few years ago I’ve seen post on Pikabu, which was recruitement of sysadmins and penguins flippers.
- talking to my north american friends (exceptions apply)
As a Canadian, boy do they ever
Are you sure about Antarctica? I wouldn’t be surprised if emperor penguins measured distance in feet and flippers.
My favorite fuckery is when Europeans see shit like 25.4mm, 27.2mm or 31.8mm and it’s because of imperial bullshit
Not to mention that every single food product has metric measurements on the label as well.
Pisses me off so much that we don’t standardize that in Canada, they still show $/lbs as the main price advertised but the item is weighted in kg with the $/kg written in a smaller font.
That’s ok, your animal welfare standards are so shockingly horrific, you can’t export any food anyway 😂
Oh, man, you got us!
Wait. I’m being told that the US is the largest exporter of agricultural goods in the world, exporting 20% of its agricultural production.
Last panel should be the entire US Customary System, which is literally just a rescaling of the SI (“metric” system) units. US Customary is derived directly from SI.
I think most people are aware
When I was young I lived in Puerto Rico for a few years (1980’s). Milk was sold in either one litre cartons or one gallon jugs. Distances in road signs and road markers were in kilometers but speed was in miles per hour. Fuel was sold in litres but fuel usage is in miles per gallon.
I believe Canada and the UK do similarly.
Milk yes, car distance no, fuel usage no
Km and L/100km are used in Canada.
Do you say kilometers per litre or miles per gallon?
Edit: re-read. The UK still uses mpg, I believe
No, liters per 100 km, edited because I forgot the 100
But just to fuck with everyone we still refer to it a “mileage” in speech. Cause being a Canadian is suffering.
Gallon jugs aren’t as common as 4L bagged milk here though
Depends on the province, bags are common in Quebec, Ontario, the Maritimes but not in the provinces west of Ontario and in NFL
Seems like a good way to become proficient in both so that you’re more adaptable.
Nah. People just talked distances in fuel tank fractions, fuel dollars or travel time. For example, “how far is the mall?”, ‘about a quarter tank’. Or “how far is San Juan?”, ‘$5 will get you there’. Or " how far is Rio Grande" ’ about ten minutes that way’.
The US sells beverages in 2 liter bottles and milk in gallon jugs. Also any food packaging shows the weight of contents in both standard and metric.
I literally learned lessons on metric in public school
You didn’t have even liter of milk before school?
I did not
Oh, wow. You misseed out a lot. Are you lactose intolerant?
Not the original commenter, but milk is sold in Gallons, half gallons, and occasionally pints in the US
Yes, this is kinda pun.
Also, isn’t cola sold in liters?
Cola is sold in 2 liter bottles, and you can find 1 liter bottles, but 20 oz bottles and 12 oz cans are much more common.
It’s a joke about not drinking milk at all.
Bicycle parts entered the chat
The entirety of the American scientific research community, which happens to be the most productive research community in the world, slides in with a wink 😉
I thought, you were saying that the USA is still researching how to build one of these “bicycles”. 🙃
The instruction manuals got banned.
Oh fuck the bicycle world for that, as much as I like working on my bike, it’s a fucking pain to figure out the size of parts!
At least in this case it’s not America’s but Britain’s fault. I primarily blame the small arms industry in Birmingham! :)
You forgot measuring bullets.
Bullets are a weird, dumb one. Yes, kind of. But also: .308, .303, .30-06, .50 BMG .30-30, .45-70, .38, .32, .44, .45, .50AE. Then nonsensically basically all “30 calibre” are the same diameter, which is exactly not quite .3 of an inch. Most of those are calibrated by the metric system (as many imperial measurements are today), but the terminology exists in the imperial system.
And then there’s fuckin gauges for shotguns smh.
Everyone uses guage descriptor for shotgun bores. It’s been around longer than the metric system. And it’s doubtful it will ever change.
Except .410 for some reason. I guess 67 gauge is starting to sound a bit crazy.
But yeah I know. I just think it’s silly.
While it’s pretty much traditional at this point, there was a very good reason for a long time to do it that way. Gauge for muskets/Fowlers is related to the number of round balls of bore diameter that weights 1 pound, (remember this predates the metric system by about 100+ years). And if you owned a firearm, you had to own the proper mold and cast your own lead balls to shoot over an open campfire. You just couldn’t pop down the the sporting goods store and buy some ready made round balls to shoot. Knowing how many round balls per pound lasted into the 1800’s. Because if you were a Longhunter or mountain man fur trapper, it was important to know that your .45 caliber Pennsylvania rifle shot 47 to the pound and a .50 caliber Hawken’s rifle shot about 35 round ball to the pound. so you could easily know how much lead you needed to bring with over the next year in the lonely mountains.
So if you owned a .72 caliber/12gauge musket you knew you would get 12 round balls per pound of lead. If you had a .69 caliber/14gauge, you would have 14 balls. A 20gauge/.62 caliber will give you 20 round balls.
But yes, the era of the metallic cartridges sent things off the rails in naming cartridges. And post WW1, everyone just completely lost the thread. We have .38 Short, Long, Special, and .357 - all the same bullet diameters. And a seemingly infinite number of .22 caliber cartridges that not even god himself can keep track of.
The whole world uses both for various things. Even the countries that “officially” use metric. Specific global industries still use imperial. Canadian and British people are perhaps the most famous for combining the two, but most of Europe also mixes things in here and there.
And of course the whole conversation is Euro-centric and ignores the historical use of traditional measurement systems in Africa and Asia, but somehow that never gets brought up.
Yeah TVs/screens for example are typically in inches anywhere I’ve seen. There might also be the metric listed.
They are indeed usually in inches but that’s probably bleeding back to Europe from the US. And most people don’t actually know how much that would be in metric. It’s sometimes listed but no one I know actually uses those numbers. We just know that 65 is bigger than 55, etc. If we want to know if it fits in our living rooms, then we look at the actual size in cm. I also couldn’t think of anything else that’s imperial, at least here in Germany.
It’s a diagonal measurement so it’s literally only useful for comparing screens.
As long as they’re the same ratio 🤪
Yep. Which is probably why no one bothered to use metric.
Rims are also commonly referred to in inches, at least in germany. But just as with screen sizes, it’s 50/50 with cm, the latter being more useful especially with screens.
The wheel is in inches but the tire is in metric!
At least in the United States, tire sizes are a goofy mixture of the two, plus an indirect measurement.
A 205/75R15 tire is 205mm wide bead to bead, fits a 15 inch diameter rim, and is 153.75mm from bead to tread (75% of its width).
Yes, the measurement system is the same everywhere and you need the wheel size somewhere in there, but the size of the tire (if you were to take a slice of its profile) is in metric.
No, like I said, tires are sized in both. The width of the bead is given in millimeters, the diameter of the bead is given in inches, and the height of the sidewall is given as a percentage of the width aka Aspect Ratio.
Cut it and you’re left with a U shaped slice measured in mm (even if it’s a ratio that’s used for both legs, if you apply a ratio to a measure in mm, the result is something you measure in mm). The tire itself is measured in mm and then the last number is the size of the wheel it’s wrapped around.
That’s the point of view I’m thinking about, the red part is the tire and you only need the first two (metric) numbers to know what it looks like, the wheel size doesn’t influence the width or sidewall height of the rubber.
Also, past a certain point you’re back to imperial measures (35/13.5 x 20 > height x width x wheel) or you might not even have the height/sidewall at all (14.9-42 is 14.9 width for 42" wheels but that’s mostly for tractors.
It makes sense as an Inch is a good measurement for that. You aren’t going to use mm or meters
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’ is feet, " is inches.
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TV sizes in Europe are in cm.
but most of Europe also mixes things in here and there.
I hate calories and horsepowers