Seasonal depression comes from the lack of light in winter at higher latitudes. My days are 12 hours of sun (+- 30 minutes) every day all year round.
Just a bridgeman doing his thing.
Seasonal depression comes from the lack of light in winter at higher latitudes. My days are 12 hours of sun (+- 30 minutes) every day all year round.
I used to have seasonal depression. Then I moved to a tropical country on the equator.
Now I just have regular depression.
Peter Stormare has been playing Russian villains for decades and he’s Swedish.
Really any eastern european will work. It’s not like we americans usually know what foreign language is being spoken.
Plex used to not be that way. Then they enshittified.
In front of my house is a mango tree. My house is white. Also there are lots of bats in the neighborhood.
Needless to say, I wish I had an Alfred.
Tanks have windshields. They’re just tiny and made of very thick glass.
In this picture the windshield is right below the main gun:
According to the international phonetic alphabet they’re the same sound.
Here is the IPA for drink: dɹɪŋk
Here is the IPA for jury: d͡ʒʊɹi
Mainly it’s noticeable for spanish speakers because the spanish D is pronounced closer to the english th or is unvoiced depending on where it is in a word.
I’ve had to train my ear because I learned to speak spanish so I notice these things with my friends who are learning english.
The one that broke my mind the other day is that the D in drink is pronounced like a J. My friend was practicing his D sounds and came up with that out of the blue.
Even the second one isn’t pronounced the same. Some accents drop the th sound in clothes which is why they can sound similar.
Having to explain to my spanish speaking friends why an english word is spelled one way but pronounced another entirely different way gave me the same experience. So many times i have to tell them: “i don’t know english is just weird.”
spend all that money in a lifetime
In thousands of lifetimes. 1,000,000 per year is a stupid amount of money to live on. If you “only” spent $1,000,000 a year you could live on 250billion for 250,000 years. That isn’t including any interest accrued.
People constantly underestimate how large a billion actually is.
My best friend is Victor Frankenstein is how I read it.
So are chickpeas or edamame meat to you? Because they have like 5 times as much protein by weight than mushrooms.
You should all just use an immutable distro. Problemo solved-o.
One of Pablo Escobar’s lieutenants was nicknamed Popeye. When i first heard it pronounced in spanish I was so confused. To make it even funnier, here in Medellin y’s are pronounced like j’s so here his name is Poh-pay-jay.
I don’t get what you’re saying. We have strong thunderstorms but nothing on the order of hurricanes or cyclones. The city I live in is called the city of eternal spring because the weather is always spring like. Sunny and mild.