I already have a parrot and an eye patch, it looks like they are just daring me to strap on a peg leg at this point.
I already have a parrot and an eye patch, it looks like they are just daring me to strap on a peg leg at this point.
VPN: Don’t go online without it.
They prolly don’t use turn signals either. Anarchists!
My spouse just uses a fake background. I won’t even own a webcam.
Torrenting this one (Appin Uncensored), any priority on the others? Anyone taking up the project if DDos quits?
Can’t stop the signal!
“Works in my environment.”
I am very comfortable never owning a Ubisoft game, or any other game that I cannot actually own.
Why does god hate amputees?
he can nourish me with his noodly appendage.
Certainly sounds more appealing than the blood and body of zombie jebus, I will admit.
Makes just as much sense as any other cult.
I imagine the possibilities are endless: “Please don’t throw me into that briar patch!”
Class war is the only war, it influences EVERY human interaction. Whenever people make dismissive generalizations about an entire generation of working people, they disrespect those who have fought for all of us. A lot of us boomers sacrificed freedom and more for the struggle. We may not have won much, but if we weren’t fighting we would be even worse off now.
Just a reminder, intergen conflict is divide and conquer manipulation. Boomers didn’t “pull up the ladder”, the oligarchs stole the fucking ladder.
I would no more teach children military training than teach them arson, robbery or assassination -Eugene V. Debs:
A friend will help you move.
A TRUE friend will help you move the bodies.
People will be paying a lot to find habitable places, and trying to mitigate
what should have been avoided. There will always be someone to profit off this process.
Lucky for her she is not a POC, or else she would have been executed instead of just kidnapped.
The thing about unsustainable systems is… they are unsustainable.