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Too bad I don’t own any of them.
TBF, no one owns any of them
Not in my games… Because I don’t have any of their games.
Problem solved.
I haven’t bought an EA game for 20 years and I don’t miss them at all.
Obligatory greentext story from 2013
>2018 >wake up feeling sick after a late night of playing vidya >excited to play some halo 2k19 >"xbox on" >... >"XBOX ON >"Please verify that you are "annon332" by saying "Doritos™ Dew™ it right!" >"Doritos™ Dew™ it right!" >"ERROR! Please drink a verification can " >reach into my Doritos™ Mountain Dew™ Halo 2k19™ War Chest >only a few cans left, needed to verify 14 times last night >still feeling sick from the 14 >force it down and grumble out "mmmm that really hit the spot " >xbox does nothing >i attempt to smile >"Connecting to verification server" >... >"Verification complete! " >finally >boot up halo 2k19 > finding multiplayer match. .. >"ERROR! User attempting to steal online gameplay!" >my mother just walked in the room >"Adding another user to your pass, this will be charged to your credit card. Do you accept? >"NO!" >"Console entering lock state!" >"to unlock drink verification can" >last can >"WARNING, OUT OF VERIFICATION CANS, an order has been shipped and charged to your credit card" >drink half the can, oh god im going to be sick >pour the last half out the window >"PIRACY DETECTED! PLEASE COMPLETE THIS ADVERTISEMENT TO CONTINUE " >the mountain dew ad plays >i have to dance for it >feeling so sick >makes me sing along >dancing and singing >"mountain dew is for me and you" >throw up on my self >throw up on my tv and entertainment system >router shorts >"ERROR NO CONNECTION! XBOX SHUTTING OFF" >"PLEASE DRINK VERIFICATION CAN TO CONTINUE"
EA: “Wow, what a visionary! This will give our players a sense of pride and accomplishment!”
They have been doing that since the 90’s
In the FIFA games, on those banners surrounding the field?
Funny how you just think that those adverts in this case makes it more “real”, just because you are used to it when watching a match on TV.
Yeah and then later on billboards in racing games.
I already have a parrot and an eye patch, it looks like they are just daring me to strap on a peg leg at this point.