I use this on my pixel with Graphene OS and it works great once I completely degoogoled my entire phone my spam calls and text pretty much all went away.
Not affilated with CBS or Paramount just being the best Brad Boimler i can be 🖖
I use this on my pixel with Graphene OS and it works great once I completely degoogoled my entire phone my spam calls and text pretty much all went away.
No my bank app doesn’t even use Google Play in anyway depends on the bank.
Glad I use GrapheneOS and don’t use any Google apps or services anymore it’s amazing how I no longer get spam calls and texts since the switch.
I think it has more to do with Matrix is kinda becoming the standard for secure open source messaging server but I do agree with you I would just use what works for you personally.
Let’s be honest year of Linux desktop won’t happen until more company’s sell computer with Linux already installed most people don’t install their own OS this is why Windows is so popular until that is fixed by preloading Linux on more systems I don’t think it’ll happen.
Yes running it now graphene OS runs amazing but why is the stock OS so bad it should not be that horrible.
Yes it was up to date latest version February security patch and all also my hotspot didn’t work got verification failed Google Support and my carrier could not fix it and then the Google support rep said if Graphene OS worked better then the would just go back to if it was them like what you recommend I go to graphene OS I thought it was funny.
So I bought a 7a have had it for a week I got it for Graphene OS I tried stock Google android for 2 days I had to toggle airplane mode for a working data connection over a dozen times each day battery was crap and phone got super hot unable to hold it. I have now spent a week with Graphene OS and wow No data issues at all signal is great. Also phone doesn’t get hot just a lil warm when doing something like gaming battery is miles better. Also on stock android the launcher would freeze and you had to lock and unlock the phone until it unfroze and it did this dozens of times 3rd party launchers had the same issue. So my conclusion is it’s a great device if you run something other than stock Google android.
That is very dumb with Verizon in the US you just type in the esim imei online and submit it and it auto downloads and activates the esim on your phone very easy.
I agree I got rid of mine until smart watches can last 2 days minimum on battery I won’t use one the die so quickly.
Yeah looking into all of this now I might move towards a invite only and keep groups community’s etc unencrypted and moderate them all. Or make community’s etc only allowed with admin approval. UPDATE: we are now invite only working on generating some invite codes if anyone is interested comment below.
Also because of this comment registration is temporary disabled while I disable rooms and spaces, and community’s so it will be messenger/group messages only. More limits may be imposed not sure yet still reading all the options in the docs. Also looking into other methods like disabling encryption on group chats if even possible to deter this.
Zero signups so far so no one really interested and kinda knew that mainly for personal use.
One question what front end is that?
Best comment 😂
Can confirm on Android 15 on GOS that JXL in the gallery app you linked does work and open them.