Man that side-by-side of the scrolling lag was super obvious. That would drive me up the wall.
It’s such a shame that Google still can’t get their act together and offer as smooth and consistent an experience as their rivals because otherwise they do have a lot going for them
I tested a Pixel 8pro with GrapheneOS. The lag is awful for a device of such high price. Totally unacceptable. And it’s not GrapheneOS fault I believe.
Ah, shame - I’d heard mixed reports over whether Graphene manages to fix some of the performance issues of the stock ROM, but that’s one more data point in the Nope column.
I guess Tensor still has some fundamental issues that have yet to be ironed out.
It’s basically Exynos isn’t it? Dunno if it is the chip… battery was good though. Tested it as an internet only phone not for calls etc (no sim card). Also I need to clarify that the lag is not there in all apps but in quite few though. So it must be the architecture of apps and not the chip.
I’d say it’s more like a cousin/sibling of Exynos rather than being a straight rebrand. They share very similar clock management and power management architecture, although there are enough differences to set them apart.
It could well be that certain apps are optimized more towards Qualcomm’s Snapdragon architecture over Tensor, which would account for why the Nothing Phone appears to perform better in certain apps than Pixels do, or it could be that the SoC’s thermal management or clock profiling is leading to inefficiencies in performance.
Could be a little from column A and a little from column B, so to speak.
Yeah I this is extremely true for google photos video editor. It is optimized like shit.
So I bought a 7a have had it for a week I got it for Graphene OS I tried stock Google android for 2 days I had to toggle airplane mode for a working data connection over a dozen times each day battery was crap and phone got super hot unable to hold it. I have now spent a week with Graphene OS and wow No data issues at all signal is great. Also phone doesn’t get hot just a lil warm when doing something like gaming battery is miles better. Also on stock android the launcher would freeze and you had to lock and unlock the phone until it unfroze and it did this dozens of times 3rd party launchers had the same issue. So my conclusion is it’s a great device if you run something other than stock Google android.
🤨 I haven’t had any issues with the stock rom. Like was it up to date when you used it?
Yes it was up to date latest version February security patch and all also my hotspot didn’t work got verification failed Google Support and my carrier could not fix it and then the Google support rep said if Graphene OS worked better then the would just go back to if it was them like what you recommend I go to graphene OS I thought it was funny.
That’s crazy! At least graphene is working well for you.
Yes running it now graphene OS runs amazing but why is the stock OS so bad it should not be that horrible.
I’ve had a pretty good experience with my pixel 8, especially in battery. nearly got 11 hours of screen-on time once.
Wish performance was better though, but otherwise it’s still pretty good for me.