I use it for web apps rather than plain pages, and you can certainly use it with your existing css, and you can roll new css in a clean and non-clashy way with elm-css, but, like I say, elm-ui lets you RELIABLY build your ui.
I use it for web apps rather than plain pages, and you can certainly use it with your existing css, and you can roll new css in a clean and non-clashy way with elm-css, but, like I say, elm-ui lets you RELIABLY build your ui.
!important This is my work nightmare, but for side projects I use elm and elm-ui and I just don’t need css. So nice, so stable, so robust, so eeeeeasy to maintain. It’s genuinely a delight. Boss nopes out when he sees all the whitespace, though, as if semicolons were the only thing keeping things sane.
The side project is safe from managerial interference. At work though, nothing is functional. Well, boss always claims we’re combining the best of the functional programming world and the best of the object oriented world and the best of the agile world, but what he means is we can have as many buzzwords as he’s heard at conferences as long as we’re prepared to ignore the actual principles and do it the way we always did it. Give him is due, he is not an unreasonable man and will actually support you and listen to sense, but he’s absolutely not interested in fundamental change.
You reminded me of a guy who’s always banging on about how Elm combs the spaghetti in your source code for you and the meatballs and sauce are only mixed in at compile time. He says object oriented programming is like threading the pasta through the meatballs which is OK before anything’s cooked but after that it gets too soft and entangled and the spaghetti won’t thread through so you start again rather than refactor. It was a compelling image and got me curious.
I used it for the second rewrite of a side project WebApp a couple of years ago, and I it felt like I had to do everything from scratch by hand all the time at first, but I have to admit that maintenance has been an absolute dream compared with the old codebase. New features, changed functionality, it’s always good and you don’t need to reunderstand everything because it’s all so separated and I told him he was right. It writes the css for you and I kid you not, I did not miss that flakey nonsense one bit.
Our boss is shit scared of anything even a little bit different, though, so he noped out hard when he saw the syntax and got all shouty about all the whitespace and arrows on the big branching statements before launching into a sermon about how you can’t have a corporate look and feel unless you use css. I lost quite a lot of respect for him that day.
Our code at work is so like the bottom picture. You have absolutely no idea whether you just filled someone’s underpass when you build another bridge over the top and sometimes you just have to kill the whole branch you’ve been working on because adding a f*ing overhead sign collapsed seven other things and no matter what you try, you can’t undo whatever it was that collapsed. I swear, one day we’re going to find that someone accidentally nuked twelve routes six months ago and there’s nothing anyone can do about it any more.
Edit: Oops replying to wrong person sorry.
I use duckduckgo desktop browser as my default on Windows and similarly on android, for this reason. You can press the burn it all button as often as you like, but whenever you log in to a website it offers to protect the website from the burn everything button. This builds a whitelist as you go.
I used to have an extension that did that on Firefox but it didn’t get updated and died. In duckduckgo it’s the default behaviour.
Anyone trying to make out that what you do in your room isn’t completely normal is lying or deluded.
So what if there have only been a couple of billion people doing the exact same thing since you last did it? Like I said, completely normal.
But it is private, so yeah, keep it to yourself, don’t be noisy, don’t leave evidence around and don’t boast about your great nut to your friends, but also, anyone who tries to make it any of their business is being weird.
So you have something you enjoy when other people aren’t there? Great. Enjoy it. And don’t let other people mess with your head.
Donald Trump, president in name only? Musk and protect 2025 folks calling all the policy decisions? Figures. He was never very good at thinking.
Perhaps ++C == Java or something.
I’m sure that’s offensive to some, so apologies for airing the thought.
Edited. Criticised a mode of debate rather than an individual.
I’ve edited it to make it more factual and perhaps less emotive by replacing the phrase “republican troll” with “republican pretending to be left leaning” and provided a link to where they replied “cope” when I pointed this out to them previously. I don’t know if you can see the reply, it won’t expand for me, but I promise you that’s what it said. I don’t know whether you count arguing in bad faith just to persuade your political opponents not to vote as trolling, but I certainly feel it’s not good behaviour and worth pointing out to folks who are taken in.
He really grew on me over time.
Only in order to pursuade folks not to vote democratic (which is bizarre because Trump and his party are pretty rabidly on favour of “finish them” outcomes in Gaza).
Link: https://lemmy.world/comment/12097015 I can only see the reply “cope” in my inbox. On the website the 1 more reply never expands for me.
I hate this idea that it’s somehow principled to allow the fascist to win. How can you tell the difference between a right wing troll trying to let their KKK supporting maniac destroy America, Palestine and Ukraine, and a left wing person with principled objections who wants to vote against Harris? You can’t. They’re advocating the same actions with the same outcomes. I can’t tell which you are, but please wake up to the real world or shut up trolling people who actually care.
In fact it was “Heaven Sent” Peter Capaldi. Series 9, episode 11. 28 November 2015.
Note: Linkerbean is a republican pretending to be left leaning, here just to dissuade left-leaning folk from voting dem.
I said so to them a while back and their reply, since deleted, was “Cope.” https://lemmy.world/comment/12097015
Downvote and move on, but you’ll get only nonsense if you engage.
They’re referring to Doctor Who, a fictional “time lord” who used many theoretical lifetimes to bash a hole in an impenetrable wall, dying many times over (not a big issue for him), if I recall correctly.
People who proport to support Palestine, but advocate actions that allow a win for Donald “I’m the best king of Israel ever” Trump and his “Finish them” Israeli bomb-signing Republican party aren’t being honest with the people they’re debating with.
It is utterly unprincipled republicanism when people PRETEND to care and then advocate allowing the fascist KKK racist maniac genocidal republican party to win.
No, it’s just impossible for it to leak out of a hole in the back of your head that you didn’t realise was growing under your pony tail.