Is it worse that I still call them “telephones”?
p.s. I am British, which gives me some allowance for using strange, historical words.
Is it worse that I still call them “telephones”?
p.s. I am British, which gives me some allowance for using strange, historical words.
Hahaha. Oops. That one was automatic/accidental, but I’m not going to change it :)
As mentioned above/below, perhaps it should have been wikipædia :)
Twitter is actually 1982’s classic erotic Atari 2600 game "Beat 'em and eat 'em.
There’s Vladimir Putin at the top of the building, firing his pixellated ejaculate over the side and the player controls both Elon Musk and Donald Trump, running left and right with their mouths open to collect it.
… “étoile de mer”, which would roughly translate as “star of the sea” or “sea star” - the same as the Spanish “estrella de mar”, Portuguese “estrela do mar” or Romanian “stea de mare”.
I was under the impression it was partially due to him feeling the ‘U’ made the words feel “too French”, and he supposedly really hated the French (apparently he was a bit of a fan of the ol’ racism), but mainly he wanted something new and uniquely American - and English spelling was even more regional, wild and inconsistent back then, so he hoped to simplify it, bring it some consistency, ideally whilst also telling the French to piss off.
That’s brilliant! Are there any other songs which do similar?
You just understand them in your own way.
When this first came out, we interpreted it as:
Who? Who has? Who has fish? Who has fish from France?
So… on average late 30s/early 40s? So it’s actually a Lemmy post, rather than a Reddit post?
Great link! I love the little story in there.
I actually use “shevelled” alongside many other words which to my mind “should logically exist” - for example, at the weekend I dismantled and then remantled a wall in my garden.
It’s fine, you’re doing well. You just need a few comments back and forth, then you start your fourth comment with “well, actually I think you’ll find…”.
On the fifth comment, you need to attack a minor spelling or grammatical error they have made.
Sixth comment, try and sound like you’re reasonable, and they’re obviously not… then it’s a race!
First person to compare their opponent to “basically Hitler” wins!
You should receive between 100 and 1000 argument XP, depending on the level of your opponent (you get about 10% more for a victory, but you can still level up if you lose every time).
It’s pretty mainstream in Lemmy Terms. On Lemmy, to be a niche computer user, you need to be running FreeBSD, Gnu/Hurd, TempleOS or still be running AmigaOS :)
No it isn’t.
Ah man, looking at those bullet points I realize I’ve got the first two down pat
No you haven’t.
I had a quick play of this - I lost after about 25 minutes - my fortress was overrun by Serpentmen. Anyway, just wanted to say it’s really well written and nicely illustrated, and I enjoyed the gameplay loop. It’s a really interesting game. I’m not sure on my free time/availability for testing, but if it is literally “do a playthrough and let me know if anything was broken”, I could fit that in somewhere :)
Three little posers.
That’s brilliant. Apparently he used to be a giant shopping mall in Ohio as well.
The following people could easily be confused with place names:
So if you’re struggling to name your Cities Skylines districts, this may or not help, depending on your sense of humour.
I hope this helps.
Thank you, and I shall do so. Very much appreciated :)