Ha! The older one is higher resolution, it has curves!
The Citroen really looks more advanced and just good. Tesla’s shitty design decisions get really highlighted, when seeing both side by side.
Not defending Tesla at all, but just saying most older designs of cars look so much better than their modern versions. I don’t know why we can’t go back to some of them, at least exterior body wise. Sort of unrelated but I’d love to remove screens from cars as well.
I share your opinion, cars have gotten uglier. Also the “future-cars” they had in science fiction in the 60s / 70s, depicting cars in the aughts and beyond, looked much better, then what we got.
I have never understood whenever some reporter calls it a “futuristic” truck. It’s not futuristic, it literally looks like the 80s. It’s retro.
It’s trying to be retrofuturistic but it has no real style or flow so it just looks like a cube.
It looks like it is begging me to end its misery
I can’t help feeling that Elon had one of his “you’re all useless and fired” moments with a designer who pointed out some fact or other about aerodynamics and broad appeal, and Elon just said. “It’s easy. Give me a pen… Look. There you go. Truck. CYBER truck. It’s so cool. I told you it was easy.”
They said “OK we’ll use this style and flesh it out into a design the engineers can work to.”
“No, just give them this. This is how it should look.”
“No, who’s in charge here? Do you want to be fired too? It has to look like this. Make it like this. Otherwise you’re fired.”
“OK I’ll give it to the aerodynamicists to get it to work as close as possible to this.”
“WTF?! Don’t give it to those idiots, JUST MAKE IT LIKE THIS. If it DOESN’T look JUST LIKE THIS, you’re FIRED.”
“OK Elon.”
“Got it, Elon. Exactly like this.”Sounds a bit like Gavin fucking Nelson.
I’ll be honest, I think they’re both really ugly. 🤷
I think that’s the joke.
While the original might be marginally less bad, they’re both really bad.
The Tesla truck looks like the original Carmageddon game, when it it glitched and failed to fully render your car hahaha
Clearly an unpopular opinion, but I think the Cybertruck looks cool. It’s a bad car which you shouldn’t buy for many reasons, but in terms of looks, I like it. It’s unique, definitely stands out on the parking lot, and the retrofuturistic aesthetic is my vibe.
I’ve been seeing a bunch of painted ones for sale in the third party lots in my area and they honestly look a lot better while fixing a major problem.
I’m gonna guess it doesn’t rust.
All cars rust. But, no, it didn’t rust and fall apart within the year lol
Year? Try fucking days. LoL, 🤣
Hahahhaahahah!! I didn’t want to be too forward hahha
It’s Elon, he has no guard rails, so we don’t need to have them either. He’s an idiot who overpaid for a social platform that he then proceeded to destroy.
Remember when Citroen was the leader in design and technology. Pepperidge farm remembers
aren’t they revolutionized rally racing cars or something?
The Tesla definitely has big, “Oh god, what the fuck? Why?” energy.
I remember in the 90s, upper-middle class people would buy the most god awful stuff because it was sold to them as expensive modern art. (Think Lydia’s parents in Beetlejuice)
The cybertruck has that same vibe. Its stupid and expensive and somehow that seems to be the appeal.
yeah thats the point , the cybertruck design is retrofuturism