Nawr, this was just in Firefox.
Noice. I’ll have to try it!
We need to invent a cocktail called a screenshot. There’s already one called a snapshot (sambuca and Kahlúa), but I think it should be a completely different drink.
I was not aware about Tyson being a rapist. Thanks for bringing this up. Damn them both.
No? I wanted to see Jake Paul get beaten to a pulp.
Ah, bollocks…
Of course, I made the mistake of posting this exclusively on platforms where I hold the same opinions as everyone else.
Great idea, but unfortunately technicalities won’t get me marks.
Oh, I haven’t handed it in yet. We were supposed to write our own methods.
I literally just got my first portable CD player on Sunday. The sound quality is way better than my super cool DRM-free digital library.
’ Hurd kernel), or even a BSD (which does not use the Linux kernel).I know it’s basic. It’s been a while since I last made a meme.
The letter arrived yesterday.
I like the Gormanian and Holocene calendars; but I use the Gregorian for compatibility with the rest of humanity.
Also, as I live in Britain, I use an unholy mixture of metric, imperial, and archaic measurements.
Length of an object? Centimetres. Height of a human? Feet and inches. Mass of flour? Grams. Mass of a human? Stones, pounds, and ounces. Distance by car? Miles. Distance on foot? Kilometres. Volume of a soft drink? Litres or millilitres. Volume of beer or milk? Pints. Volume of non-dairy milk? Also litres and millilitres.
Europe/London, BST, UTC+1:00
Do you use a different calendar system, by any chance?
Yes, but one would assume I meant the 19th of the current month of the current year.
Also “They said the 19th June 2024” doesn’t work so great as a title.
It was two days ago.
Try running it through Handbrake?
Failing that, it could be worth trying it in Linux. It’s not too hard to spin up a VM, and
would have the codecs you need.