I am a Meat-Popsicle
What do you think they’ll do? I
I have no idea what you’re saying here, like which they? Why is there court involved? They will eventually push out democrats and there may be blood.
You don’t need to be faster than the bear, you just need to be faster than the other slowest campers.
Health care and small ticket entertainment industries are more recession-proof than new car sales and home sales.
Stay away from big public corporations that are going to fire a bunch of people as soon as the stocks dip a few percent.
Make sure your boss knows about the family you’re supporting, but in a friendly, proud way If you have kids make sure their pictures are on your desk
If you’re in some field where there’s new and different technology around it’s not a bad thing to brush up continue education , Even if it’s just something as simple as watching YouTube videos and talking with your boss about it, especially if it’s something they mention that they have an interest in.
I know being a bootlicker is terribly out of fashion, but, within reason, try to make yourself the most useful cog you can be. Don’t kill yourself bending over, don’t just let them take a wild advantage of you, But try to make sure that in your boss’s mind that there are people the team who are more replaceable than you are.
With any luck we won’t have to endure a pandemic at the same time
None of this in the end may help, it’s merely suggestions to help you position yourself.
They did make a solid attempt at making coups legal.
There’s simply no way, the Democrats are going to look at the voting results and go this is what was legitimately voted for let it happen.
Minimum open services is indeed best practice but be careful about making statements that the attack surface is relegated to open inbound ports.
Even Enterprise gear gets hit every now and then with a vulnerability that’s able to bypass closed port blocking from the outside. Cisco had some nasty ones where you could DDOS a firewall to the point the rules engine would let things through. It’s rare but things like that do happen.
You can also have vulnerabilities with clients/services inside your network. Somebody gets someone in your family to click on something or someone slips a mickey inside one of your container updates, all of a sudden you have a rat on the inside. Hell even baby monitors are a liability these days.
I wish all the home hardware was better at zero trust. Keeping crap in isolation networks and setting up firewalls between your garden and your clients can either be prudent or overkill depending on your situation. Personally I think it’s best for stuff that touches the web to only be allowed a minimum amount of network access to internal devices. Keep that Plex server isolated from your document store if you can.
Well, he probably could initiate anything he wanted on the grounds that they said that any official act is immune. He could probably get away with quite a bit before they managed to get together and stop him saying it wasn’t an official act.
Every federal judge and probably the supreme Court for the rest of our lives is going to be wholly owned by the dictatorship. Checks and balances are essentially broken at this point in the president can do whatever he wants with impunity. What about to hit a massive recession. What smart thing do you think were going to do about it?
Yeah, a company got toasted because one of their admins was running Plex and had tautulli installed and opened to the outside figuring it was read-only and safe.
Zero day bug in tat exposed his Plex token. They then used another vulnerability in Plex to remote code execute. He was self-hosting a GitHub copy of all the company’s code.
It gives a whole new meaning to my buddy’s Ford escort.
The crypto is decent, it’s electron so it’s source available. If you want to ignore their hosting solution, you can disable the syncing and just take the vault from its config directory and sync it yourself
The real downsides are that it’s not actual open source, so if they decided to screw around with the security or turn the crypto off somebody can’t just fork it.
I’d vote for anytype or obsidian
Anytype has a learning curve, But it has built-in encryption and IPFS syncing provided by the company. The templating system is really slick and the relational aspect is pretty solid.
Obsidian + syncthing fork is a really solid contender. It’s much easier to work with out of the box but the features are a little more generic.
Neither of these are really self-hosted, so much as they are contained in their own ecosystem. You get some measure of higher availability that you have to really work for if you’re really self-hosting a product.
I totally agree. Quake GL improved quake 100 fold. RT quake did the same all over again
The whole point behind it was that everything was too slow to handle it efficiently themselves in an uncontrolled manner. When networks and computers got faster we started using ethernet.
They intended to make people think about the gameplay. Which you did. A lot of people will take that as a challenge.
The MAU turned a physical star topology into a logical ring topology.
Moving to star was more of an assistance to physical installs
Lol, That’s why I self-host so much crap. The only way I can give it to everybody is to make it a web app, or maintain three separate sets of clients.
I’m kind of apprehensive to open up a really small projects on my home network to the outside world. Kudos for maintaining unraid as a platform though.
I might consider running it at my house but my wife is Mac I’m Linux it would only help my kids.
Could It handle mod packages for Java Minecraft or something?
There are people that live the life you have on vacation 24x7, and they absolutely hate life. It’s the contrast of the wonderful and the s*** that makes the wonderful, wonderful.
I have both a three and a four. I have never gotten three days out of my three. I even replaced the battery in it right before work bought me a four. The average battery life for my three and my four is right around 36 hours.
Now, I get a LOT of notifications so maybe somebody’s watch who gets less notifications can go into deeper sleep and is able to sleep longer and stretch that power out. But a lot of people weren’t getting 3 days out of there threes.
Because we did such a good job of that in his last presidency and he wasn’t a god king yet. /s