Cats, and apparently capybaras are an invasive species on social media. I don’t hate them or anything but they show up everywhere in places they have new business being.
There are no native species that they are disrupting to be classified as invasive.
Maybe if there are not native species, they are invasive by default?
The only native species on the internet are bugs but the cats don’t seem to care for them.
They’re just here for the mouse. And the ergonomically comfy keyboard!
non-native doesn’t automatically mean invasive.
SO many cats! But still not nearly enough…
What a Catastrophe!
I think people just like showing off their pets.
Because cats are all little babies and I love every single one! I understand it could get annoying if one was only accepting of cats instead of adoring.
If you got a problem with capybaras then you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that shower marinate for a while, bud.
As they should be
They are the necessary mental respite between the headlines and bullshit. Working as intended.
The Internet Is Made Of Cats…
Okay what happened with capybara’s on the internet, what did I miss?
There have been quite a few cute capybaras on the internet lately, still fewer than cats.
Btw, the only time to use an apostrophe for a plural is for the plural of a lowercase letter:
Strawberry is spelled with 3 r’s.
That’s because otherwise it’s too confusing, especially in a case like:
Individual is spelled with 3 i’s.
where is would look like the word is.
Ah shoot, my language (Dutch) always uses an apostrophe for +s plurals if it ends on a vowel (telefoon > telefoons, but auto > auto’s)
I’ve noticed I use those apostrophes too often in English, maybe because of this.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention!
I learned something interesting about Dutch today, thanks!
They’ve been all over Instagram and TikTok. People have found the most personable and presentable capybaras. I actually came here to post this from that post.
Instagram and TikTok
Ah, that’s what I’ve missed! I thought it was a Lemmy thing and was wondering where the hell the capybara posts were since I didn’t see any, even on All.
Thanks for the explanation!
The best kind of invasive!
If you are bothered by it, stop looking. If you are not, welcome to the family
Same with dogs.
If anything is an invasive species on social media, it’s bots