They are expensive in Europe as well, but most European countries socialize these costs.
They are expensive in Europe as well, but most European countries socialize these costs.
Don’t know about the police. I was comparing inside turkey, where there is the Police for urban areas and the Jandarma (Gendarmerie) for rural areas.
It is not really “higher” than police and it is not regular military. The gendarmerie in Turkey is responsible for policing outside cities, they are part of the military, but they are subordinate to the interior ministry during peace times (regular military answers to the defence ministry).
I mean, there have been more than a dozen confirmed assassination attempts on Hitler (even suicide bomber attempts among them) and a few more unconfirmed possible attempts. The future did try their best (or just some brave people from the time itself).
He lost me when he called Biden the “ethical candidate”. He is the less disgusting choice, but he is in no way an “ethical choice”.
True, it wouldn’t be enough, This is why Germany still has a lot of coal-fired power station and natural gas power stations, despite huge investments into renewables, and is also investing a lot into wood-fired power stations (imo a really terrible idea). The nuclear plants could still ease the situation by giving a stable basic load that has some planable variability (wind models are getting also better every year and aren’t that bad as it is). For now renewables cannot really provide a very stable basic load (at least not here, might be different for other areas).
There are great concepts to improve all of this with stuff like pumped-storage hydroelectricity, but those cannot be build everywhere and take up a lot of space. It is going forward and I think nuclear power will come to an end eventually. For now, I think they still have their place (and imo Germany acted irrationally by shutting them all down).
I mean, we’ve been lucky that France completly fucked their energy sector up (hints towards that nuclear plants probably also won’t be the ultimate solution), otherwise we’d have lost a loooot of money and would have had energy prices even worse.
Here an imo interesting read: https://gemenergyanalytics.substack.com/p/capture-price-of-importsexports-in
They don’t need to be exclusive. Power generation should be diverse. Otherwise prices will go through the roof on times without wind (happens in Germany). This can lead to higher energy prices in combination with high energy exports.
And this is why it is good advice not to think too much about that word as a German speaker.
You sure? I cannot find records adjusted to weight, but the male record is ~2:01h and the female 2:17h
Edit: Why is there a cake next to my name? It cannot be that I am on lemmy for a whole year already? Fuck.
You kinda do, though. I’ve been smoking for 13 years. And I’ve been smoking quite heavily about, 1.5 pack per day on average.
I tried to stop several times and it didn’t work out. Then one day 10 years ago, I realized how crazily much money I spend on that “hobby” and how I’ll need that money for my wedding a year later. And then I just stopped.
I used nicotine free cigarettes as a crutch for a while, but that was it. It was surprisingly easy, when before I was almost shaking during a 2 hour flight because of nicotine withdrawal…
What this boils down to imo is, when you really want to stop, you can just stop. Try to find out why you want to stop and don’t miss the opportunity window. If I hadn’t stopped that day, I’d probably still be smoking.
Don you maybe have a mushroom consultation in your town? Don’t know where you are from, but in Europe many countries have them and they can help you not to kill yourself.
Nice, but the part in the neighborhood was a little too visible. I saw it while going through the panels already.
Both countries have strong social constructs which imo will decrease the possibilities for potential rapists to act on their urges. It is imo not that the numbers of potential rapists is lower.
What I doubt much more is that banning porn will significantly reduce actual porn consumption.
Hmm, not sure if this is a real story. It might be.
The 3% is overall (including mobile). On the dekstop Firefox is at ~9%: https://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/desktop/worldwide
Click the link. :)
No idea about the UK. But in Germany a comparable hospital stay (single bed room) would be up to a 1000€ per day afaik. If you are publicly insured in Germany, you’d still easily pay 150€ out of your own pocket (otherwise the rooms have 2-4 beds).
But I already learned in this thread that the costs in the US are far worse.