after what happened with yuzu emu, im done…
EDIT: This post is a joke! It was posted in /c/memes, of course it is going to be a meme! If you consider this news, please re-evaluate your choice of sources.
At the same time, I think it says something about Nintendo that some actually believed this…
I can’t believe there’s people in here that don’t understand that this is a joke.
The fact it’s almost believable is both real and a serious problem.
It’s so close to reality that I’ll forgive it :P
LOL oh come on. I loved Yuzu a lot, and what they did to Bowser is fucked, but this is not all close to anything Nintendo has done.
Wait what did who do to bowser??
I live under a rock.
They’ve made him lose to Mario countless times!
He’s been fired. He’s in talks with Sony now.
And I can’t believe that there are people like you who still underestimate how gullible people can be.
You know sometimes jokes fall flat
Not even a good joke either, it’s like Facebook tier memeing
Despite understanding that it’s a joke, i don’t think that it’s a meme This is just a picture of text joke
This is just a picture of text joke
I think you just described every “meme” I’ve ever seen.
You’ve been banned from /memes
And everyone clapped
The CEO’s name – Albert Einstein.
I saw a lot of cool Nintendo Lego creations recently at a convention. Nothing had Nintendo names. Instead of Goomba, it was named “angry mushroom” and stuff like that.
Also Disney once told a family no multiple times regarding putting Spider-Man on their dead child’s tombstone.
Fuck these corporations.
Worked in retail awhile back. Kept having glass shit fall off displays and ends. It wasn’t TOO often, just enough to be an annoyance. They were stacking glass product on top of one another. I explained why this was a problem; they didn’t care. Some time later I came back to the bosses with an argument:
This is how much we’re charging for the product.
This is how much I make per hour.
Cleanup of said broken product takes X time.
This is how much I make in that time, or Y.
Which means a single broken product that breaks costs you Z, multiplied by the number of times it happens, plus the cost of the product itself.
This was what got their attention. These people usually aren’t human, they’re sociopaths. Remember that.
A * B * C = X
If X is less than the cost of a recall, they don’t do one.
What are the variables?
I think boss was just lazy to think about it in this case and you gave him no other choice thou 😅
Also Disney once told a family no multiple times regarding putting Spider-Man on their dead child’s tombstone.
This is one of those situations where it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission. Even the most cold-hearted corporate ghoul is going to understand the cost/benefit of going after that family isn’t remotely worth it.
Yeah, the lawyers are going to say “no”. But even if they’re stupid enough to sue: some suit that isn’t a moron is going to tell them to drop it during the ensuing PR nightmare, and the family will be swimming in donations.
“This Spider Man thing really paid off, Honey!”
Well the reason it is like this, is because the lawyers that get to decide are “only doing their job” and can blame the policy. The ones responsible for policy are just slaves to the megacorp automaton machine that continues to not regard morals or ethics or laws in its hunger for profit. The one responsible for this mess is a machine where you can replace any or even all individuals and it will still continue to globally absorb value and eat anyone in its way. We nurture and cheer these machines on because they give us “profit” when in fact it gives only some profits to specific people that hoard it in Panama. I am very against these entities of destruction, but targeting any individual human is never going to help, and we probably can’t stop them without actually using politics. Except all available options in politics all want to and are praised for nurturing these entities because they bring illusory cash flow to the region
I’m in Thailand and knockoff Disney stuff (and Legos) are pretty normal. And it’s nice. The kids buying them have to deal with seeing their ads plastered all over town, so it’s nice there are versions they can buy. I just wish they were so shitty quality and the big companies markup wasn’t so fucking insane. Lego sets pretty regularly hit $200-$300 here. There literally is no Nintendo Thailand, so game prices are pretty random based on import fees that retailers can negotiate (or sneak through).
The nice thing is no one gives a shit about piracy. No risks really.
Such a feel good story
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How to steal something you can’t own? Instructions unclear /s
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*make an unauthorized copy of it
Already ha… oh uh, I mean nope, I sure wouldn’t do that, ossifer law! :-P
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I’m gonna need a source on this one.
Looks like a joke to me
On the memes community?
If people continue to post jokes here then where will I get my news??
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But if that’s for news, where do I get my HQ jemes?
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I am!
That’s the neat part, you don’t!
That’s never been done before, we’re part of history!
Meme before I’ve had my coffee? It’s more likely than you think.
No, just love the meme.
Yeah, fuck Nintendo but this is very obviously bullshit unless they actually made and sold a product.
Very obviously a joke. Cardboard, people! :)
Counterargument, Nintendo strikes nonprofit videos and tries to take down free and open source emulators such as Yuzu and Dolphin. The fact that this is so believable should give you an idea of the sort of shit Nintendo is known for.
Yuzu wasn’t completely free; that’s sort of what got them into hot water in the first place and the reason why Nintendo hasn’t also sued SNES9X into the dirt. Yuzu had a patreon with certain releases gated behind it. That’s what got them in trouble.
Well, we’ll see if Suyu lasts. Hopefully it was just the monetization.
Nah this happened to my buddy Eric the other day
I think it’s super not real. So unreal it cycles back to real again. Poor thailand boy.
The source got pulled off Github already.
Yeah this originally a copypasta about a boy from Venezuela named Paco Gutierrez
So that’s how Nintendo keeps the price of their games so low! They have a secondary revenue stream!
Per Snopes:
What’s True
A child in Venezuela made a cardboard Nintendo Gameboy to play a home-made version of Super Mario Bros.
What’s False
However, Nintendo did not send a cease-and-desist letter to this child, nor did the company sue his family for $200 million.
A picture with some text is not a news source. Boycott Nintendo for good reasons.
It’s a meme
Yeah my bad, went right over my head.
This is a joke referencing Nintendo suing an emulator developer. It should not be considered news. The money amount is even the same.
This meme’s older than the latest yuzu thing. I’m pretty sure I saw it on reddit, and I haven’t been there in months. Nintendo’s been like this forever.
It is, but this one is a reference to Yuzu, you can tell by the money. Previously it was $200 million, where as Yuzu settled for $2.5m
Oops, I’m slow on the uptake. Thanks.
If you want to boycott this company don’t give them ads, don’t have their logo reach the front page
I hope the ChatGPT and its siblings bring about the end of copyright. Unfortunately it’s more likely we’ll pervert the idea of personhood yet again and claim these things are people same as was done with corporations.
Happily an anarchist but also an artist, and I’m wondering why a complete lack of copyright would be a good thing.
Scenario A: I make a cool thing, it catches on, corpos with gajillions of dollars legally make tons of money off of it and leave me unable to pay rent and taking zero credit despite me doing all the actual work.
Scenario B: I make a cool thing, it catches on. It gets ripped off by everyone freely, and I’m left unable to pay rent and taking zero credit despite doing all the hard work. In fact, everyone who feels like it claims it as their own. I have zero recourse. This is all legal.
Scenario C: I’m a scuzzbag, so I copy-paste everyone else’s hard work onto various merch without their permission, pirate their software, make lots of money, cheat them out of the fruits of their labor. Except it’s all legal woo!
Scenario D: ChatGPT and its ilk have front-loaded all the theft, so now ripping off artists is transparently accessible to anyone who wants to pop in some “prompts” and claim they’re so creative. Hard-working artists are mocked as obsolete because their efforts were scraped and stolen. They struggle to pay rent and take no credit.
I hate copyright abuse (i.e Disney) as much as everyone else, but I also feel like the champions of “abolish copyright” want everything for free because they don’t make anything themselves, and creative efforts are just that: effort.
All of the scenarios occur today. Every single one of them.
You do see that, right?
Artistry predates copyright law.
Those things happen, and unfortunately the law as it stands is stacked against “the little guy”, but I still struggle to understand how “Just let everyone rip each other off and it’s not even wrong anymore” while forced to survive a hustle-or-die economy, would be a beneficial development.
Artistry predates the industrial revolution and industrialized commercial artmaking as well…so…? It’ll just be a hobby? But only a hobby reserved for the ultra rich because everyone else who would have otherwise done it are to busy working for someone else?
I’m serious here. I’m training really hard as an artist, and being completely unable to pursue ANY recourse against theft seems like it wouldn’t improve anyone’s lives at all…except maybe the fan communities of particularly-litigious entertainment giants…
If someone just starts mass producing “This thing in MonkeMischief’s style”, why the heck would anybody bother in the first place? As if alienation, depression, and struggle to find meaningful expression weren’t abundant enough these days already…
I’ve still yet to get a response that explains how it would all get better. Just “lol you’re wrong and should feel bad.”
I get it, using stuff unrestricted for free is lots of fun, but making profit from it when someone else made that thing feels pretty lame…
I don’t know what to tell you that could satisfy your internal struggle here. If you have a style worth stealing it will be stolen. Copyright doesn’t protect that.
For what copyright does protect, it is only enforceable if you have the funds to protect it.
The system wasn’t designed for people like you, it was literally designed during the same time in which only the wealthy were able to peruse art. It was created to protected monied interests, not the commoner.
If you expect to make a living on your art, you need to plan to collect earnings up front. Commissioned work is exactly that.
This idea that you’re going to create some initial idea and then coast on it for life does not align with any reality.
Sometimes, if you create something new and interesting, you’ll end up with a following and they will fund your endeavors but there will still be copycats and you either waste your life perusing that or spend your life perusing your art. You cannot do both. Paying someone else to peruse your “rights” doesn’t change this equation, you’d be creating to fund the protection. Enforce it too hard and your fans will turn on you, as the original post here illustrates.
There is no winning move via copyright that leads to the land of riches. That’s the problem. That’s what copyright is bullshit.
It’s not designed to protect us but so long as the monied interests can convince us otherwise, we’ll go along with it like temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Always convinced if we’d play the game too, we could win.
The system is rigged and it’s not in your favor. Whatever appears to favor you is a facade meant of not to keep you playing the game.
Sincerely, thank you for explaining this perspective. You make a lot of really good points!
You’re right that it’s a mess out there and stuff will always get stolen. And no, I never expect to coast on anything for a lifetime, but I still think if we were to abolish copyright as it stands, there should still be something enforceable that benefits creators of works.
One who publishes a book or a game should accept piracy as a reality, but having zero recourse for say, anybody uploading your exact work a dozen times on Steam under their own names would be pretty terrible wouldn’t it?
If it were abolished out in the open, yeah, we’d basically need to not have to earn money anymore. Otherwise, there would simply be no point to anybody making anything.
We’re already seeing such a threat from un-checked ML scraping everything in existence.
Thank you so much for the valuable discourse. I hope you have an awesome day :).
(P.S: I think you meant “pursue” rather than “peruse”)
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Clearly the father made a lot of money off that social media post. Nintendo is only trying to protect its IP!
Paco Gutierrez, age 9
I get my Nintendo fix via Super Tux and Super Tux Cart
Hmm, not sure if this is a real story. It might be.
I’m going to tell this story to my kid so he believes it and then I can have him stop buying video games.