Confiscate? They are getting it back at some point? Because in Montreal and North America in general, the police just treat homeless people’s stuff like radioactive trash. They just clear the place with machinery and put all the stuff in a trash container.
Some homeless people here have lost ID cards and important documents because once the police decides the camp is gone, the homeless can’t go back to get their stuff. It’s just all going to the dump, with everything inside.
Lately, Firefox + uBlock Origin and YouTube on Linux is sometimes horribly slow for me. It uses all the CPU and chokes my computers. Sometimes it’s even difficult to just seek in the video, as it’s so sluggish.
It seems to vary depending on the type of ads. It’s not “random” because a video that has this behavior will always do it, even if I restart FF, while others will be fine.
I thought it was my old computer at first, or that I was out of memory, but the same thing happens on my modern Ryzen.
Although I notice it less and less, so maybe it was a bug with YT + uBlock.
And it’s only on my Linux computers. On Android, FF + uBlock works super well.
My pet peeve about ads everywhere now is on Android.
Your Android phone doesn’t come with a voice recorder? Download one, with ads every time you record.
You want a different calculator? Ads!
Flashlight app? Ads!
Notepad? Ads!
And people just apparently accept ads in nearly every app, even the most basic ones.
I don’t remember the Sound Recorder, or Notepad having ads. But because people are now used to ads everywhere, it’s certainly coming as MS is trying to jam ads in everywhere possible in Windows too, now.
I’m so grateful for Linux. The apps I get through apt-get don’t make me watch ads. Unfortunately even if based on Linux, the Android world is so infuriatingly crammed with ads.
I wish I could find a “phone” or portable device in that format, with an OS that works like “true” Linux.
Yep. He could have been driving an F-150, bump over the sidewalk, drive over the CEO, then said “ooh, sorry, I didn’t see him, he must have been wearing headphones or something”, and it would probably have been a valid defensible position for the system.
You can also start an orgy instead of killing, but I guess the sex can also happen while slaughtering.
Nah. Not good enough for me. I thought I would just do that but the thing still has to boot android in order to show you the HDMI input. So it has to constantly suck power like a vampire in order to keep a SoC running, and if it loses power, it has to boot the system again.
I got a cheap TCL and it smells like burning plastic, even when its “off”. I suspect it’s because of that SoC constantly running.
Next time I’m buying a computer monitor instead of a smart-but-not-connected TV.
I don’t know for dogs but I read that other species have different “accents” depending on their group and where they live.
Apparently, animals like dolphins, orcas and whales have different “accents”. And birds apparently also sign differently depending on their group and location.
Like, some ducks quack differently, from one region to another. I don’t think this can hamper simple communication, but there is apparently variation in their calls.
I work with IBM i/AS400 servers and those are not exactly the quickest thing to “reboot” (technically an IPL). Especially the old ones. I have access to the HMC/console but even this sometimes takes several minutes (if not dozens) just to show what’s going on.
It’s always a bit stressful to see the codes passing one after the other and then it stops on one and seems to get stuck there for a while before continuing the IPL process. Maybe it’s applying PTFs (updates) or something, and you just have to wait while even the console is blank.
I’ve been monitoring those servers for years and I’m still sometimes wondering if it hanged during the IPL or if it’s just doing its thing, because this part, even with codes, is not very verbose.
Fortunately it’s also very stable so it pretty much always comes back a few minutes after you start wondering why the hell it’s taking so long.
Reminds me of my father. He’s up super early, like 4 am, and to him 7 am is perfectly late enough to run the wood planer on a weekend day.
The hunt for the cofounders of torrent site The Pirate Bay was a lengthy game of cat-and-mouse, spanning several continents. In the end, Fredrik Neij, Peter Sunde and Gottfrid Svartholm all ended up in prison.
Pourtant c’est plutôt commun au Québec. Ça s’enchaîne pas comme les sacres liturgiques mais c’est bien utilisé. Quelque chose peut être fucké. Une personne peut être fuckée. C’est fucking chiant. Fuck ça! Juste, fuck!
I wasn’t aware of her comment. Googling for it showed me an article in English saying she dropped the F bomb. I thought it was in an interview in English but no, she used it in French, which makes it a bit less impressive.
Pour les gens qui veulent pas googler, voici la citation exacte
« Fuck aux réacs, fuck à cette extrême droite, fuck à tous ceux qui voudraient nous enfermer dans la guerre de tous contre tous ! »
Yeah, I usually start hoping I won’t need it but after hitting a few sticky webs I grab a stick and start waving it in front of me. But then I don’t go low enough or do a bad job and catch a few more with my legs or my head. Sometimes I just kind of forget and start using it as a walking stick only to be reminded why I was carrying it in the first place.
It works, but its effectiveness varies.
That’s what I like a bit less about being the first hiker to walk the trail in the morning.
Or just a joke. I live in a city with a metro system, I use it, and as much as I’ve never personally seen a fight in the metro itself, they obviously happen. Some users are stabbed a few times a year. I’ve seen people jump over the tracks. I’ve felt a bit threaten by a beggar that I’ve once said I recognized.
Just a few examples from here:
And I’m not living in a very criminal city. I’m not saying the metro isn’t safe, or that you’ll see fights and brawls for the price of a ride, but it could happen. Like, take the metro when bars are closing and there’s probably gonna be higher chances to see a brawl or a fight. I imagine it’s similar in bigger cities with metro/subway systems as well.
And I want to stress that cities where this can happen are not inherently dangerous. There are much smaller cities that have a highest crime rate than the closest metropolis, but they don’t have the density for a metro/subway system where you can thus see drunk people fight about something they already forgot.
If they come back, I hope they will be more accessible on foot, with a bike, or with efficient public transit. Because if they are still surrounded by deserts of parking lots, only filled with EVs instead of ICEs, they can continue to die.
Or when you try to use contactless only to be asked the amount of tip to give to the cashier, before being able to pay.