I feel like this has been done. There was an AI generated “debate” between Biden and Trump that was mostly swear words. But it was trained on their speeches and was mostly gibberish and insults.
Edit: It was on Twitch, and users could add inputs and questions.
I had fun with that for a few minutes
The trump AI was way to succinct and didn’t get distracted constantly cutting himself off every 10 words.
Back in the 70’s and 80’s there were “Travesty Generators”. You pushed some text into them and they developed linguistic rules based on probabilities determined by the text. Then you could have them generate brand new text randomly created by applying the linguistic rules developed from the source text.
Surprisingly, they would generate “brand new” words that weren’t in the original text, but were real words. And the output matched stylistically to the input text. So you put in Shakespeare and you got out something that sounded like Shakespeare. You get the idea.
I built one and tried running some TS Eliot through it, because stuff is, IMHO, close to gibberish to begin with. The results were disappointing. Basically because it couldn’t get any more gibberishy that the source.
I strongly suspect that the same would happen with Trump’s gibberish. There used to be a bunch of Travesty Generators online, and you could probably try one out to see.
You don’t even need to train it. Just use a system prompt.
Just don’t ask it for medical advise
John Oliver sort of did it.
But it doesn’t even need a LLM.
They just used predictive text.
deleted by creator
There was a Twitch channel that featured AI Trump and Biden debating. They’ve changed it to Trump and Kamala now https://www.twitch.tv/trumporkamala2024 might be worth a watch for such content.
No having fun in MY politics >:(
Downvotes without representation are, as always, bullshit, so let’s clarify: it doesn’t take many brain cells to imagine how easily such a thing would (will?) be used to credit that walking cum rot for whatever the"AI" spits out…
No is the only answer with any foresight.