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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 8th, 2024


  • But/and also also, just because you might know what a multiplication is you still might not know how to use that to make audio louder! (You might say “well just add to the loudness!” or if you actually know it’s not that easy you might say “just multiply it by 2!”, but the computer doesn’t simply take “audio” it takes some form of bytes in an array encoding said audio, let’s say PCM to make it easier, and you still need to know how to loop over that and multiply every value by 2 to double the physical volume.)

  • Welcome to Greece! No, not our modern Greece, the old timey write philosophical questions into the dirt with sticks and argue with your best homies about it kind of Greece!

    Want to compute something? Hope you got all your steps in linear order so you don’t have to remember too much in between other steps!

    /s (but not really so I totally am on your side, original formulations of math problems are a pain…)