Not all. Some ebook readers still had microusb, plus some other old electronics that didnt bother to upgrade from microusb for the last decade . Also apple obviusly was apple.
Not all. Some ebook readers still had microusb, plus some other old electronics that didnt bother to upgrade from microusb for the last decade . Also apple obviusly was apple.
Unfortunetly it might survive due to anime going mainstream. Alghtough only anime. Manga and light novels are going to burn.
I expect it to change with the next gen consoles at best ( ps6, xbox whatewer tf ). Beacuse with them we might finally be able to see the games that just straight up abandon traditional rasterization and go full ray tracing only ( also the last strugglers on pc will probably finally abandon gpus without raytracing support by that time, pepole tend to complain on consoles for ‘slowing down progress’ but dont see the absolutely ancient devices most or to be precise significant minority of gamers use ). For now even with ps5 pro they still need to create ps5 version.
Dont skimp on ssd for games. Large sata is fine. Hdd for games is not fine. Get worse anything else instead . Loadings are gonna be the death of you.
Oooh is that why ipv6 adoption is so regional ( Based on https://www.google.com/intl/en/ipv6/statistics.html ) . Like france ,germany or india having more than 70 % while italy or poland hanging below 20% ? Also judging from this site it seems like ipv6 is actually getting adopted at quite the rapid pace. Even if some regions are faring way worse than the others.
Its easier to communicate with other pepole if you work at the same time. And if your work is mostly based on comunicating with other buisnes clients you need to have at least somewhat fixed shedule
A quick question . Other than a suprisingly lot of complexity involved in diggin the hole of sufficient size and depth why wouldnt it work ( or is that the reason )?
Or work for a software development related to finance and bookkeeping so you get the downsides of both.
Oh yes thats painfull especialy with slow internet. Its not that much of a problem if the game has a few gb but when its somethig like tw Warhammer that has a god damm 100gb ,you need to be realy realy sure you wont get a sudden urge to play it next week.
I find it to be suprisingly usless compared to classic aproach. But in my case it might be beacuse of the language i work with ( abap ).
Sceurity updates shmecurity updates. How many stories of someone bank account being robbed through old android vunerbality have you heard about. Im not saying they are worthelss beacuse Obviusly its better to be secured than not but they really shouldnt be a factor when choosing whetewer to buy a new phone or keep using old one. Especialy if you are like a year behind or something similar.
Im consistently suprised how often i emd up on the neutral side in those memes. This time lawful neutral
Wait is it only delivery or delivery plus food in those 30 dolars?
Also decimal system is not exatcly that much better since you also cant write 1/3 in decimal
That would explain why out of all of Skyrim i only remember the fact that you could kill the girl that invites you to dark brotherhood amd subsequently destroy it.
I dont know why pepole shited so much on Andromeda.it was fairly ok title and i personaly was looking forward to next part( which sadly probably wont happen ). Certainly gameplay fitted andromeda more than inquisition. Alghtough from what i have seen i definietly wouldnt be so amazed as some journalist seem to be but Its a ok title. Not a BG3 for certain. Alghtough i admittedly never really liked bethesda style games.i even prefered dragon age 2 rather than skyrim. Bethesda games are too diluted for my tastes.
Oh yeach paying for playing online games is such a bulshit. I never really complained about it online beacuse i was buying ps plus on ps3 when it only gave you games ( beacuse i do buy it only for games and i would never pay it to play online games) so it never really affected me but this is such a bs. Im suprised there wasnt a bigger outcry against it.
There is definietly more privacy than in china( Not that the issue doesnt exist in Us ,Europe or the rest of the world,but its not as bad ,you can get vpns or messaging apps that will tell the goverment to f* off or simply beacuse they dont collect any relevant data like signal ). Also you still left out massive human rights violations, arguably much more important thing .
Theoriticaly yes. I mean ignoring the russian thing completely. China still has some serious large scale privacy and human rights violations. Alghtough arguably as with ‘woke’ in reality tankie is a meaningless term used to divide pepole between us and them instead of actually just discussing the actual issues.
To be fair making native aplications was( maybe even still is , the last time i touched anything non abap related was in uni )very unnesecarily complex thing back then especialy compared to the simplicity of web frontend .