I experience the opposite. Whenever I criticise US government, I get attacked by hordes of cringy Americans.
I must say I had a pleasant conversation on workers’ rights in the US recently on c/technology (lemmy.world). By pleasant I mean “not being insulted because I live in France and workers do have rights so I’m a red commie” pleasant.
For the majority of Americans, as long as you are a pleasant person, you will have pleasant conversations, even if it’s about a disagreement.
A. This leads to politeness fetishists and tone policing. If someone says something offensive like “we should remove LGBT+ books from schools,” I’d rather shoot myself than speak nicely to that person.
B. This has not been my experience with my fellow Americans at all. I even saw a mod from lemmy.world post mod-flaired horseshit in their politics community about how “The US is not a racist country.” Fuck that.
🤷♂️ then you’re talking to different people than me idk what to tell ya
Your instance is literally swarming with liberal transplants from reddit, so now you’re just being disingenuous.
I live in the midwest, and I’m surrounded by polite fascists. Fuck politeness, and fuck this racist nation.
Then don’t complain when people respond in kind…
If they have dogshit opinions about LGBTQIA people or immigrants to begin with, what’s rudeness on their part going to do? Lol
Their opinions and lives already lack any value.
Edit: Just noticed this guy moderates a community filled with bigots that engage in frequent use of an ableist slur, so it looks like this clown is referring to people like himself. “I may be an unhinged bigot, but at least I’m polite so I win!” Just the type of person I’m talking about.
Hi from the autistic guy that is physically unable to understand the rules of „politeness“ and burns out while pathetically trying to mimic them just to look like a creep anyway.
Sorry friend that sounds stressful :(
I’ll give you a politeness pass and if anyone complains tell em to direct all complaints to DillonBrooksEnjoyer
Thanks friend! I liked your other comment as well btw.
How can we have a pleasant conversation about the murders the American soldiers are committing in the Middle East? How does one be pleasant about murder?
That’s weird considering America’s favourite pass time is to bitch about how shitty our government is
Lol yeah, I’m confused by this. Our government is a fucking mess right now!
is there any chance you are doing it while spouting Kremlin propaganda? because then there is maybe a time to look in the mirror on this one
Anyone that disagrees with the US government is spouting Kremlin propaganda. Riiiiight…
You are a joke.
Anyone that disagrees with the US government is spouting Kremlin propaganda. Riiiiight…
I mean, if you take what I said and completely change it, I can see why you might be upset at that. Though I would encourage you to reply to what I actually said.
You are a joke.
I am indeed a very funny guy, it’s a bit creepy that you know that though.
There should be a bot that posts this link whenever the phrase “kremlin propaganda” is mentioned. Maybe then you’ll learn.
goes on an anti-tankie post Comments that his posts are always dogpilled by the most anti-tankie group. Claims ad hominem when someone points it out.
Is it wrong to engage in a conversation with people we disagree with?
Would you rather have us segregate based on our opinions?
I merely posited that you might be getting into arguments because you have drank the Kremlin propaganda, but from your posts I see it’s more that youblike to defend the Chinese government for some reason or at least like to do “a Whatabout the USA”
also I am not sure you ubderstand what ad hominem is, it’s attacking the person saying it rather what the person is saying, if I were to say “you are spouting Kremlin propaganda” would be the exact opposite since I would be “attacking” what you are saying not who you are.
hope that helps
A lot of americans and some other westerners always assume that anyone who disagrees with them must be infected with Russian/Chinese/(insert bogeyman) propaganda.
Whereas the truth is that the Western civilization is on a murder spree and the rest of us who are not Westerners are disgusted by it.
Imagine living in the west and genuinely believing that it’s Kremlin propaganda that’s the problem.
More than one thing can be wrong at the same time. The constant whataboutism is exhausting…
The constant whataboutism is exhausting…
whataboutism is what hypocrites say when challenged.
The only thing exhausting is people using whataboutism to make false equivalents and avoid genuine discussion. People are subjected to orders of magnitude more US propaganda than Russian propaganda, and it clearly has a much greater effect on public opinion. Thanks to people being indoctrinated into US propaganda, they dismiss legitimate problems as fictional Russian propaganda. The fact that you can’t comprehend this illustrates the problem perfectly.
Imagine thinking any large state isn’t constantly injecting propaganda into the Internet. Couldn’t be me.
Not what I said though was it? What I said was that people in the west are subjected to orders of magnitude of western propaganda, and perhaps should worry about that first. Russian media is even banned in most of Europe at this point. Chomsky even pointed out recently that censorship in the west now is even worse than it was in USSR.
What I said was that people in the west are subjected to orders of magnitude of western propaganda, and perhaps should worry about that first.
I’m capable of worrying about two things. Perhaps even three on a good day.
Chomsky even pointed out recently that censorship in the west now is even worse than it was in USSR.
Media being bad because capitalism pushes them to do evil to further their own ends is not the same thing as censorship enforced with state violence. These are both bad things, but uniquely bad in their own ways. I’m sad that Chomsky’s age has caught up to him and he can no longer distinguish the two.
I’m capable of worrying about two things. Perhaps even three on a good day.
press x to doubt
Media being bad because capitalism pushes them to do evil to further their own ends is not the same thing as censorship enforced with state violence. These are both bad things, but uniquely bad in their own ways. I’m sad that Chomsky’s age has caught up to him and he can no longer distinguish the two.
It’s incredible that somebody could be so deplorably ignorant to think that US doesn’t enforce censorship with state violence. US tortured Manning and is currently having UK torture Assange for revealing US war crimes. Chapter 10 in this book gives lots of examples of political repression in US where activists have been harassed, arrested, and even assassinated by the state https://archive.org/details/DemocracyForTheFew16147062951821
The only thing you should be sad about is your own ignorance. Maybe instead of claiming that Chomsky can’t distinguish things you should learn about what your regime actually does. Just a thought.
When people talk about censorship, they usually mean of media. Yes, I’m aware that the US government is an evil institution that targets activists and whistleblowers. You’ll never believe me, but I actually despise my government and nearly every person in it. However, authoritarian regimes also strike down those people, but additionally censor the media on top of it. So to say that state censorship is worse here and now is just asinine. There’s no need to make things up to seem worse than they are when they’re already very bad, it just leads to people swinging at ghosts.
Oh it’s this guy again.
cry ab it
I don’t want to, I hate getting a runny nose :(
Little do people know everyone is shit and your personality that is only based on ideologies makes you look like a moron. Yes we know there is unfairness in the world. But any “ism” won’t fix it.
Doomerism be like:
Yes we know there is unfairness in the world. But any “ism” won’t fix it.
Least of all quietism like you display
Little do people know everyone is shit
People who say this think they’re being world-wise when they’re actually just putting out a general warning about themselves
Yeah you’re right shits fucked so let’s just accept the status quo, oh would you look at that you’re just supporting the current oppressive system.
Being a centrist or “apolotical” is just being a conservative while still being able to fuck“No Lives Matter” type beat
Just because you don’t care to look into it doesn’t mean you don’t prescribe to any ism
In fact, people who say shit like that most definitely do
Removed by mod
True statement, but wtf? I don’t think you mean it in a positive way like I do.
I do mean it positively, but I can understand why you would get a negative reading. I was trying to illustrate how reducing words to their components and dismissing them like that is such a stupid thought terminating cliche. Botulism, anarchism, autism, midwesternism, descriptivism are all words ending in -ism but really do not refer to similar or comparable things. The deeper idea that subscribing to or employing an ideology inherently leads to failure, which the original comment asserted, has already been torn to shreds by others, so I targeted the less important but more annoying failure of thought. I should have more carefully selected my words, sorry.
Thank you for replying, and I’m sorry I read your comment in bad faith. I should know you better than that by now, and I apologize.
No worries. Like I said, I should have gone with botulism or descriptivism, to make sure there was no misreading.
“Yes we know absolute monarchs, unequal access to justice, oppression and the dumb wars they get us into are unfair, but no ‘democracism’ will fix it”
It takes a very basic knowledge of history to understand why this argument is shit.
You complained about homeless people you weasely little liar. Go cry about it on /pol/ or go back to reddit
homeless people are tankies actually
Quite authoritarian of them to exist without permission I must say
homeless people are tankies actually
George Jackson has entered the chat
Our heroin.
This is classist. Most homeless people don’t suffer from addiction. Something like 40 percent are alcoholics and 25 percent use harder drugs.
A recent statewide study of homelessness in California, found that the majority of people had lost their living spaces due to rising rent.
“The study found that for most of the participants, the cost of housing had simply become unsustainable. Participants reported a median monthly household income of $960 in the six months prior to their homelessness, and most believed that either rental subsidies or one-time financial help would have prevented their homelessness.”
Wonder what is causing rent to rise…
Here is an alternative Piped link(s): https://piped.video/watch?v=hNDgcjVGHIw&
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
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oh my god it is the same classist guy
JEG VIL IKKE MERE! År efter år er det gået på samme måde. Alt er gået som det skal, indtil det er gået galt, og hvorfor? Fordi man er omgivet af hundehoveder, ignoranter, fæhoveder, fejehunde, uden fantasi, et par IMPOTENTE HÆNGERØVE, et par småimpotente grødbønder
I fully support whatever this guy said^
My account is named after the character from a series of movies about bankrobbers. It was the only western movie-series allowed in the GDR. The guy had a bit where he would go on long insulting rants against his comrades after they’d fucked up, calling them all sorts of names, typically finishing off with declaiming they were SOCIAL DEMOCRATS (this being the worst he could call them).
Here’s a compilation of him tearing into people, and also being torn into a little bitHere’s a really famous scene where they rob a bank to Elverhøj
Here is an alternative Piped link(s): https://piped.video/watch?v=4DtDqnPS07A
Piped is a privacy-respecting open-source alternative frontend to YouTube.
I’m open-source, check me out at GitHub.
I DON’T WANT TO DO IT ANYMORE! Year after year, it’s been the same. Everything has gone right until it’s gone wrong, and why? Because you’re surrounded by dog-headed, ignorant, stupid, cowardly, unimaginative, unimaginative, a couple of IMPOTENT PIGS, a couple of small impotent porridge farmers.
according to some, i dont have enough hot potatoes in my mouth to translate danish
A different version of the same rant can be translated to:
It’s the same thing every time! You have a plan, a brilliant plan! And then your surrounded by dogheads and deadbeats, lousy amateurs, miserable hacks, ridiculous shitkickers. Incompetent assholes, impotent mush peasants and social democrats!
Perfect translation 10/10 Maybe there’s a little bit lost in translation between the non focused way “Jeg vil ikke mere” goes than the focused way “I don’t want to do it anymore”, but that’s incredible nitpicking.
Some of those words hit much harder in english lmao. Gonna have to start calling people both impotent pig and “small porridge farmer”
Åh gud jeg ville betale gode penge for at se noget moderne med Egon. Desværre er Ove død, og ingen kan fylde Oves små og Egons mindre sko - Balling, Bahs og Sprogøe fik virkeligt fanget en karakter af dimensioner, og samspillet med de øvrige karakterer var på samme tid plat og eminent, især Kirsten Walther. Åh altså.
Ove er blandt de bedste og hvem end der var stylist for Benny blev ikke betalt nok, gutten havde de fedeste fits
Et moderne reboot af Olsenbanden ville have en masse materiale at arbejde med. Det moderne erhvervslivs opblæste disruption-hype og finansielle fiksfakserier vil sagtens kunne skabe en ny version af Hallandsen. Den moderne Jensen vil passe perfekt ind i new public management. Og så vil der kunne være meget sjov i at lade de moderne Kjeld og Yvonne have mellemøstlig baggrund. De skal i hvert fald ikke bo i Valby længere, for det er blevet for dyrt. Måske skal den røde kuffert indeholde en harddisk med bitcoins?
Jeg kan godt forstå din entusiasme, men jeg synes efterhånden vi har set så mange reboots af ting hvor det er håndteret så ringe at det trækker ned på originalerne.
Dem der laver det er også fanget i en sump af at skulle respektere det gamle for ikke at få på puklen for det, ikke være for trendjagende, ikke at være for meget eller for lidt woke, ikke at have samme “feel” osv. Bare se de “nye” Far til Fire.
Den var også lidt en tidskapsel for det Danmark og især det København der fandtes dengang, om end i et meget statisk perspektiv. (Selv om jeg har kendt mange fra det miljø og den tid… Det er en type karakterer jeg ikke ser meget længere med mindre jeg finder et overlevende brunt værtshus eller tager på Staden)
Jeg må indrømme at jeg ikke har turdet se noget af “det nye” og ikke kan huske noget som helst af “den sidste rigtige” med de gamle drenge.
Hvis nu ham der spillede Børge ikke havde kastet sit liv i rendestenen kunne der have været et Kim af en chance for et ærligt “generationsskifte” hvor man finder nye stereotyper han kan spille op imod, evt. “hans børn” der nu ville være lige så gamle som de oprindelige bandemedlemmer.
På den anden side kan jeg da godt høre at jeg nok tager det mere alvorligt end nogen som helst i de gamle film gjorde. Jeg er bare bange for at der er nogen der kommer og besudler mindet om en serie der egentligt toppede i 1eren fordi der var nøgne damer.
Nye film må godt have nye ideer og så lade sig inspirere af gamle film.
Another great quote is made by Jensen, the burnt-out detective tasked with catching Egon and his gang. His younger and more naive colleague remarks that “crime doesn’t pay” which prompts Jensen to give the following answer:
Oh God! My dear, dear young friend, you are terribly mistaken. Believe me, I’ve been on the force for more than 25 years, and I know what I’m talking about. Duty carries its own reward, but it’s modest. Integrity is beautiful, but meager. Justice is proud, but one-eyed. Love is sweet, but costly. Friendship and camaraderie, those are good to look back on in your old age. But the only thing that pays, that’s crime!
Jensen makes a lot of
remarks such as “when the really big criminals arrives the only thing the police can do is to offer them protection”.
Yeah it’s honestly a really good series. There’s a reason it got big in the GDR. It’s wild what they could deliver while still keeping it comical. Like that text reads as some really deep quote, but in the scene it’s probably played for jokes. It’s great.
My only gripe is how Yvonne ping-pongs between being more insightful than Egon, and being an immense dumbass, depending on what the plot demands
You shat on homeless people and got rightfully called out for it. Take the L instead of crying about tankies
OP: “public transport is bad because homeless people use it”
Gets banned for classism
[6 days later]
An illustrated history of the second half of the 20th century
Third quartile maybe
The giant emoji bug really does apply to all the funniest ones it could apply to
wait is this the same dude lol
You mean your bullshit screed hating on public rail and showing your anti-homeless brainworms where you literally implied that “people don’t hate them enough”?
Also “boo hoo the ‘tankies’ (whatever that even means to you libs anymore) bullied me for supporting violence against some of the most vulnerable people in the imperial core”
lmao You have been complaining about this for FIVE DAYS holy shit.
1462 points 3 years ago
reddit will delete this comment cuz they’re controlled by China but fuck the CCP!!!
same energy
it looks like the only comments of yours that were removed were for making inflammatory comments about homeless people on public transport in a place you don’t live.
Every time one of you uses the phrase “Banned for being slightly critical”, it always turns out you were saying some of the most digusting shit imaginable. It’s such a tell, it’s like when you say “I was ostracized just for having a different political opinion!”
And the opinion was about who should qualify as human
Like clockwork!
Recently found an anti-tankie instance you might like more:
Let’s do a little experiment:
- Tankies are horrible
- Nazi’s are horrible
- The US is horrible
- Russia is horrible
- China is horrible
See what I’m going to do is I’m going to make the nazis look equally bad to all these other things. That way the nazi atrocities will look less problematic and I get to smear my enemies with a tainted term.
No I’m not a nazi, why do you ask?
I can’t believe it actually worked lol
you pushed back on my nazi apologia just like I predicted
Checkmate liberal
Is wasn’t mine
You’re trying to hard to see what you want to see in order to sound morally superior for Internet high fives.
It is clearly a half assed joke saying that if you call a group horrible, someone with get butt hurt and respond accordingly. Which in a round about way is exactly what you did. Any further reading into it is on you.
Just so you know, Nazis have used assertions exactly like what Zoldyck said literally since the day after the nazis were defeated.
One name for it is “double genocide theory” which is used to a) diminish the crimes of the Nazis/ even to the extent of genocide denial and b) equate fascism and communism (an absolutely absurd claim, to be clear. Ask about it if you’re unaware!)
This is not something we regularly go around doing, we are very careful with what stuff we call nazi shit. We’re careful not to make the word lose its meaning. This was an example of a common nazi/nazi-adjacent talking point, and we take it seriously when we encounter it.
Its just like “Blue Lives Matter” is thinly veiled racism. other examples include 1488, the 14 words, ‘states rights’, etc.
It is clearly a half assed joke
They may have thought it was just a joke when saying it, but the intent doesn’t matter, because they may also have known what they were doing and did it on purpose, because they’re a nazi/ nazi adjacent.
You seem to know what you’re talking about, and not going to debate you on any of the points you just brought up. I certainly don’t disagree with anything you just said. I just still feel it’s a stretch to assume that comment is equating all of those things that were listed. That’s not what I took away from it at all, and still don’t.
just still feel it’s a stretch to assume that comment is equating all of those things that were listed.
I’m not sure I understand, Isnt that explicitly what the point of the post was? to equate all those things so that communists would get angry at them? what point was that comment making, in your view?
You are a fool lmfao
“I pushed this object off my shelf and just like I predicted it fell to the ground!”
Good enough for Galileo
well Galileo is DEAD
Well that’s not very nice, calling people names.
I mean using that logic, is your post not apologetic towards the other, non-nazi entities listed?
“I’ll remind everyone that the nazis were definitely the worst there, that’ll make the others seem less bad by comparison.”
Didn’t know calling Nazi’s horrible is apologetic…
The comment doesn’t mention Child Rapists, so I guess OP doesn’t think those are horrible?
Child rapists are X
Shoplifters are X
School Shooters are X
Black people are X
White people are X
Do you see where I’m going with this yet? It doesn’t matter what X is. What matters is the equals sign.
Goddamn it I don’t know man, I failed algebra. X equals 42?
Silence, lib
This would be a case of the transitive property, formally speaking
That’s trans woke ideology
let’s do a little experiment kicks you in the groin
What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you put an apostrophe there?!
(ahem, grammar and spelling Nazis are also horrible)
Grammar and spelling nazi’s are a necessary evil for the good of the web.
There’s that pesky apostrophe again!
Two kinda people I wanna punch.
One is Nazis the other is people who use an apostrophe to pluralize.
Interesting how exactly 4 of those are things a state has identified as.
I like concision: people are horrible.
you’re just talking about yourself lmao
Death to America
Death to hexbear
and Nazis
People are fine. Hierarchy turns man into monster. Destroy the hierarchy, destroy the beast.
The fun is if you had made some point about something china or Russia related and HADN’T also mentioned that the US is horrible, you’d get dogpiled.
The US is horrible, leave me alone
I mean yeah because the US does the same horrible horrible shit other existing countries do just more of it. Mentioning the smaller problem while ignoring the bigger problem(that we are closer to) is just how liberal brainwashing works.
there’s no such thing as a tankie
China is good
shut the fuck up liberal
Death to America
Found a tankie.
Also death to america.
If America must die, who is going to kill it?
Why are they not killing it now?
Yeah, that’s unfortunately not likely. Revolutionary potential is way stronger in the periphery of the imperial order, not in the core.
One struggle
Extending to the political party specifically for Germany, but not the others; could be worth doing that.
Like, EVERY country has its good people that hate the horrific actions of its administration. It can cause issues and paint xenophobia if you don’t identify and shame the bad actors. Instead, you get Chinese people that live in poverty thinking America hates all of them for having thin eyes.
Better thing to say imo: fuck Republicans and the CIA, fuck Putin, fuck the CCP.
I agree with all the above
Comparing yourself to Yezhov is worse than anything we’ve said to you
He doesn’t know anything about soviet russia. Yezhov, like Berjia is one that will be never reabilitated.
Tbf Trotsky also won’t be rehabilitated and I suspect OP would be happy to give us some Very Informed Takes on him as well.
Leon Trotsky (murdered in 1940) was rehabilitated on June 16, 2001 by Russia
What the fuck
Well, at least the Soviets never rehabilitated him. Who gives a damn what Federation liberals say . . .
Why are the libs so hung up on criticizing socialists? If you don’t like this forum then go back to reddit.
Hmm, I wonder why they didn’t include what their posts said
By being ‘slightly critical’ you do mean complaining about homeless people, right?
lemmy devs are actually pretty good at not forcing their ideology on others
It is way easier to get banned on reddit for a lot less than a slight not conformist opinion. Here they downvote you, stop. And i talk about real controversies.
Uh huh. I’m already banned from some lemmygrad community. I don’t give enough of a shit to learn the name of it.
100% disagree and add in the fact that everything here is a ninja ban with no explanation. This place is an echo chamber in places like fuck cars and the socialist subs. Privacy too. Was banned for what I can tell was pointing out that lemmy instances do not protect privacy at all.
This place is an echo chamber in places like fuck cars and the socialist subs.
The way I see it, there are subs/coms that are like fight club and subs that are like country clubs.
If you get all argumentative and in peoples faces in a fight club, they be “no U” and argue back.
But if people just want to chill out with their friends and you come over to start shit, you’ll get escorted out. And rightly so.
This place is an echo chamber in places like fuck cars and the socialist subs
What aspect of fuckcars do you consider an echo chamber?
There’s over a dozen socialism communities, if you find one to be an ‘echo chamber’ then I’d suggest seeking another. I’d imagine the socialism community on Beehaw would have a completely different vibe to the one on Lemmygrad, as an example
Was banned for what I can tell was pointing out that lemmy instances do not protect privacy at all
This is common knowledge though, wouldn’t be surprised if the mods were sick of the same discussion being created over and over again by various users. Something federated - designed to be open, decentralised, unrestricted, cannot be inherently privacy friendly.
If your privacy threat model brings you to an ideological disagreement with federated networks, it would be reasonable to consider moving to an alternative platform IMO.
No use for trucks, only Americans buy SUVs, you can’t find cars for under 20k etc. As for the mods, 🤷♂️ don’t ninja ban and maybe folks would understand.
Glad to see you get your ass handed to yourself by others for a change. Has been a couple of days. How have you been?
Great, innit?
🥷 There is no public modlog at the bottom of the page 🥷
Sounds like this might not be place for you, why don’t you take a hint and go back to reddit instead of whinging here.
Why would the devs do that? Their job is to make the platform
Yeah but they haven’t built in communism… yet.
I’d be ok though if it were the Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism though.
Huh… im not sure about that, it hasnt happenned to me but i heard it happened to others and i bash tankies constantly.