How does conversation context work though? Is that memory not a form of learning?
How does conversation context work though? Is that memory not a form of learning?
And then you play Xcom 2 and realize that Dota 2 was meditative by comparison
The Pope tried banning crossbows
Ain’t that the truth.
Id never worked harder than when I was working retail as a HS student. And the worst part is interacting with assholes who thought you were beneath them, which I think it’s what this meme underlines.
was lucky to be well off to get an education which provided a way to land a cushy SW job. Mentally stressful at times sure, but I didn’t have to take shit from somebody and worry if I could afford my next meal. And I see the same ego on the other side here, where people sneer or condescend towards min wage workers.
So many things we take for granted are just down to luck, or lack thereof.
Now I don’t know how it would feel to be wealthy. Where money ceases to be something you need to think about on a day to day basis, but I think that’s when it just becomes a status symbol, and you have to make more only because the Jones bought their 4th yacht, so of course you can’t be seen with less than that! It never ends, and that’s why I think rich-ass capitalists can never have enough, because in their mind the competition never ends and no amount is ever enough.
How pathetic do you have to be to gatekeep a celebration?
Yea, what happens in SOMA fucks with me whenever i think about it.
Digitizing consciousness for use in simulations, and spun up and down in an isolated environment like they are some AWS service.
what a tool
By then, cardboard boxes will be sold for billions
Blue pill is irrelevant. You already rich if you can convince family to buy stocks.
When you search or do any stable sort, I would think you want your primary attribute to be the one with most finite values? That way you are front loading the pruning of the search space.
So it’s actually on favor of Japanese style
On-call jobs can go to hell.
Labour adheres to supply/demand. Now that boomers are retiring who primarily made up most of the blue-collar workers, there’s a derth of them and its only going to get worse.
So homeboy with the hardhat is gonna be making 6 figures easily out of 2 year apprenticeship while your fancy university degrees will be competing with all the other Asian students raised with this mentality.
We were all under the assumption automation was going to replace manual labour first, turns out its actually the code monkeys and adminstrators who are biting the bullet.
It’s funny that captchas are in a never ending arms race with bots trained on the same datasets capturing humans answering these stupid puzzles.
Pretty soon we’re going to be drinking verification cans
Most news sites nowadays are absolute cancer on mobile with 20% of screen being the actual content. Is pay of the reason why nobody actually reads articles and go straight to the comments