Alternatively, the first three panels could be answering 734 emails, 6383 slack messages, and avoiding two required trainings.
Along with 6 meetings and scrum session
Multiple scrums for multiple projects.
I’m not sure why but i just flat out work better at night when everyone is asleep, pretty mutch all of the “last modified” time on my project files is from 10 pm to 3 am
no distractions…
one metaphor i heard is, holding a program in your head is like building a house of cards, every time a phone rings or something breaks your concentration, you have to rebuild the houseevery time a phone rings or something breaks your concentration, you have to rebuild the house
Holy moley.
I guess this is why programmers generally don’t do construction.
house of cards
My sweet spot is 1am to 4am no joke.
I’ve been working remotely from Barcelona for three months… My hours are 3pm to 11pm local time, it’s fucking bliss.
Same here
Some people are more diurnal, some are more nocturnal.
My productivity peak is between 8PM and 11PM, but with kids this is impossible.
visual studio finished starting
Coding at night with the lights off makes you feel like one of the cool movie hackers.
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Don’t forget the hoodie.
I guess yes, a hoodie could be projected on your face.
quickly opens any time mom walks by
ITT: a lot of undiagnosed sensory issues
This isn’t my experience. I’m way more focused in the morning and then it’s all downhill after lunch. By the time it’s the evening I have zero motivation to do any code.
I’m the opposite I’m useless until after lunch
Jokes on you, I’m useless all the time
Yeah that’s about how I feel too. Mostly because I take my ADHD meds in the morning, and afternoon is about where they wear off.
My best focus is before lunch and before the end of the day.
Very much the same for me. I don’t enjoy getting up early but my brain works best if I get to the office at 7ish for some reason. After lunch I basically roll down hill. I seldomly feel any will do do any coding after having spent 8h doing just that
Replace those first two panels with sneaky napping and this is perfect
Been trying to understand why I’m like this and I’m noticing the minute the sun starts going down , I become more focused.
I think this is because the sun is no longer a massive glaring ball of gas my brain has to manage.
I can’t tell if my hypothesis has any scientific validity but it’s what I tell my managers.
As a hobbyist, daughter goes to bed I start reading and experimenting.
Well, it’s winter, so that’s like 4pm to start coding
I’m far more focused at 2-5am
Bugs come out at night the most, so its just natural to hunt them in the dark.
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Why are we like this 😩
This is how I study. :(
This is true, but also, this is weird, right?