Image Alt Text: "After downloading a 2.5GB movie
Me: Presses play Movie unsupported file" A person is shown with eyes on her laptop punching the wall beside her, causing it to crack.
If vlc cant open it you have found something truly odd
The file extension is exe, am I doing something wrong?
Have you tried installing it as system admin? Make sure to check all boxes and click next as well.
Boss? Is that you?
It’s a scam don’t follow the instructions.
If you can’t find a different release there aren’t any legnimate releases of that title.
Nice of you for being concerned and telling. But it‘s a joke.
And at this point it’s not a scam it’s a virus that they’ve already opened hence the fake error message.
Yes. That’s terribly unsafe of you. Use a Mac and only open up video files with a .app file extension, silly!
I honestly can’t remember the last time I couldn’t open a video file.
Happened to me a few months ago. Had a ticket for our District Attorney office, trying to playback a security camera footage from a parking lot or something. It would open, but, the person that was supposed to be seen would show up for a few frames and glitch out.
Turns out the cam system it came from uses some very proprietary codec. So the footage was effectively useless without their special sauce player/codec
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I guess. I tried everything within reason to play it. VLC, mpv, windows media player etc. all with various degrees of failure. Even went down a rabbit hole of trying codecs from websites that looked frozen in time from the late 90’s, as it was an old cam system.
I can! Happened all the time 20 years ago. Since then, no.
Only on smart tv’s do I see it these days. It’s a risk so I bring a laptop to play and plug in via hdmi.
I’m working in live video and there’s a lot of proprietary codecs out there that vlc doesn’t play by default. Most of those are lossless/very high bitrate lossy formats designed to be encoded and decoded quickly for things like instant replays, so not something the average consumer would get their hands on.
My smart tv refuses to work with .mkv so it happens regularly for me.
All my homies use mpv
MPV gang rize up!
Yeah, if VLC can’t do it, I’d bet my money nothing can
I always use VLC so I thought the meme was that it was one of those fake “codec not supported, go to this sketchy website” videos
I’ve only had this problem playing the video on TV directly. Like smart TV. Can I put VLC on there?
I use jellyfin to do transcoding, but very occasionally it exhibits issues still.
Something I don’t see a lot of people do but totally should is get a really long HDMI cable and snake it around the room. You can then hook up a laptop or hell even your desktop directly to the TV. Think my cable is around 20 feet and I got it off Amazon for dirt cheap. Works wonders when I want to watch something on Plex (a lot of smart TV’s have trouble with Plex)
I took a little ASROCK DeskMini and put a 5700G in it to serve as a media and light gaming station. My family uses it more than I do now.
You could easily do this with a pi 5 or pi variant for cheap.
If you’re going to go that far, it probably has to be an “active” HDMI cable.
20 feet is fine unless you want 4K 120 Hz and stuff like that. I’m which case 20 feet may also be fine with a passive cable, but a bit on the edge of where AOC starts to make sense.
As for 1080p and 4K30 I think 10 meters can work passively.
Edit: My in-head unit conversion was a bit off, 20 feet is probably a bit over what’s sensible for 4K120. But it’s probably fine for non-UHS HDMI.
This! 10meter hdmi cable came in really handy in my last apartment for connecting pc to tv while having the cable completely hidden all thr time. Now I would need like 20m cable and I would have to drill it trough walls. Just laptop and chromecast now. It’s a bit sad that I cant just open any game on my tv without carrying the pc from another room
My gaming PC sits on the other side of the wall of my living room. I’ve got HDMI and USB going right through the wall. Wireless keyboard and mouse on the coffee table. It’s worked great for years, and for couch gaming I generally use a Steam Controller or DS4 in Bluetooth mode.
My living room TV is smart but I don’t use any of those features and keep it disconnected from a network.
If it’s Android tv then yes, there is a VLC version for that.
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lol indeed. Love VLC on my AppleTV. Plays stuff the native app from my NAS won’t play.
I recently downloaded some YouTube videos that my dad wanted to play through USB with his Android based projector, as it doesn’t have the PlayStore and the videos didn’t want to play (and I knew they worked fine on my mac) I went quickly to its store just to find out VLC wasn’t there, and I didn’t have time to sideload stuff (I didn’t even know if it was possible), hopefully there was FX File Explorer and that one comes with a video player which was able to save the day.
I remember a phase in my childhood where I could only get Realplayer to open some series of anime that I was into at the time that I had downloaded.
Beat me to it. I haven’t had an unsupported file error in the decade I’ve been using VLC. Maybe one time I had to download something to support a rare file type
VLC doesn’t play 4k files properly though
Potplayer ftw
Uninstall that shit and use VLC
And if you want to play on a TV that doesn’t support the format, convert it with FFMpeg.
I’ve had good experience using mkvtoolnix to mux video into an mkv with subtitles included. Not sure if mkv support is widespread, but as janky as the TV was with other formats, mkv worked great every time.
MPC-HC also a very good choice
Installing MPC-HC during K-Lite Code pack as my primary media player has taken place of VLC for me this last year. I have been using VLC as music player only with some Winamp-like no-viewport UI lately.
Been using both MPC-HC and VLC for years now. Between the two of them there is no file that you cannot play.
Been using k-lite codec pack since the Kazaa days, very good stuff. MPC-HC with madVR looks excellent.
this is the correct answer
VLC could play a polaroid image of the Voyager records.
VLC works most of the time. That said some videos VLC can’t seem to decode correctly - I never get VLC complaining about unsupported file formats, but I do get weird artifacts and glitched rendering when I try to play certain ones.
It’s then that I usually try MPV or MPlayer. One of those will usually play the video correctly.
What troglodyte doesn’t use VLC nowadays?
mpv enjoyers
Am I in the wrong for using mpc-hc?
It’s bad at mpeg-ts/HLS but it you don’t use that then it’s good
People with automated Sonarr/Plex setups probably. Haven’t had to use VLC since like 2009
Exactly, but better use jellyfin.
mpv is more effective. Worse user interface though
not-troglodites, vlc does weird stuff.
mpv my beloved
VLC-heads in this thread are a decade behind
We’re streets ahead.
where the fuck are u getting ur movies??? I’ve only ever seen mp4 and mkv, all of which even windows media player handles I think
It’s an “.avi.exe”.
yeah idk if vlc does .exe
Windows would be greatly improved if it would let you bind VLC as the default handler of exe files
I’m sure there’s a way
Hold my beer
i actually accidentally made all exe files open in Windows Media Center on a family pc as a kid.
basically the system had to be reinstalled.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Mp4 and mkv are container formats. Your comment is somewhat equivalent to “where are you guys getting text files that can’t be displayed, I’ve only ever seen zip files”.
The codec in the container is what needs to be played, and can fail to render correctly.
And then you have mpv that will play anything ever, even a .txt with “interesting movie” written in it
Any Player will not be able to decode some files if they are downloaded in pieces and not even the header data is complete.
It depends, there are decent chances you’ll get the video to play from the next I frame onwards.
me: opens vlc. play it anyway, idc
VLC to the rescue!
lmfao who has this problem, your great grandma?
tf is wrong witchoo boi
This reminded me of having to install a codec pack like klite or cccp as one of the first things on a fresh install. I’m glad that isn’t a thing anymore.
Comments like this reminded me of how dark of a world it used to be.
I still install klite out of habit.
I use the SMplayer, it plays and streams almost everything (Mplayer engine, apart also works with mpv).
Me: cycling through every media players I have installed until I get one that plays the video properly.
VLC, MPV, MPlayer, Parole, etc
VLC: I’m here to help.