That said does anyone have any tips for having a headache?
Edit: it turns out I have a fever
Keep hydrated. Eat food. Relax your eyebrows. If it’s bright out, wear sunglasses.
Kill those who anger you.
grow poppies
On their graves.
You Good?
I don’t like your tone. You’re on the list.
And unclench your jaw 😬
Depending on the cause:
Massage neck/stretch (if you have been at a computer/desk/reading for a while)
Drink water (2 glasses) and eat a snack with complex carbs and protein (if you aren’t great at eating healthy regularly or drinking enough regularly)
Go for a walk or do cardio and get fresh air (sometimes your body gets angry you haven’t moved enough. Also causes mood issues in some cases)
Take a nap (have you gotten enough sleep? Lack of sleep causes a pile of issues)
Have tea (caffeine and hydration help sometimes)
How are you emotionally? Sometimes having strong emotions can be draining and you need extra sleep and sometimes need to do cardio to use cortisol in a healthy way. Working through the emotions is also very important; figure out why you are feeling the way you are, what (if anything) can you do to respond to the situation (responding to others, altering where you are in relation to the problem, directly addressing the problem). Keeping and processing some (high energy or negative) emotions can cause you to have headaches. Cardio helps drain the energy otherwise spent experiencing the emotions for extended periods of time so you can process them faster.
The brain is a collection of single celled organisms cooperating for their collective survival and as a side effect generate a conscious person. The anger is the medium one lump of cells uses to communicate with another lump of cells.
My advice for avoiding headache is not to engage with this comment and drink some water to make sure it’s not from dehydration.
single celled organisms cooperating
No, not really. There are pretty fundamental differences between colonies of single celled organisms cooperating versus the cells of a multicellular organism.
I would like to know more
In addition to the other suggestions here, these are two (and a half) tips that work for me:
Ice pack or cool cloth on the back of your neck and forehead. The cold restricts blood flow in the area, which can help ease pain.
Soak your feet in warm water (or find other ways to make your feet warm without warming up the rest of you). The heat expands the blood vessels, encouraging blood flow in your feet, which draws blood away from your head and can help ease pain.
0.5. There is a pressure point in your hand (called L14), between the thumb and forefinger, that can help relieve headache pain. YMMV, of course.
I hope you feel better!
Not really, the brain has no pain receptors, headaches are in the muscles surrounding your head instead.
As for tips for having a headache? Repeatedly hit your head very hard against the wall, you’re guaranteed to get one. /s
And the fact of the brain having no pain receptors was established via a full catalogue of the cells in a person’s brain? Or what?
That said does anyone have any tips for having a headache?
I can send my kids by. That should do it.
If you vape - chill the fuck out for a bit. I got a headache this morning and realised it’s cos I chug the vape like a choo-choo first thing.
You are not allowed to be annoyed with a headache and be dehydrated at the same time.
Kind of depends on the cause of the headache…is it sinus related? If you live in a dry area, your nasal passages may need hydration (netti pot or saline spray or take a hot shower) or it might be adult allergies. Is it tension? If so, try to find the tension and massage it out. Use peppermint oil roller (it cuts the intensity, but likely won’t make it go away). It could also be a good sensitivity that you’ve developed.
If you start I get them frequently or more than normal, keep a log of when you get them and what you did before it and what you ate. Then talk to your doctor. I spent three years trying to find out the cause of my migraines. Journaling can help.
Not even your brain, that has no feeling. It’s the surrounding tissue.
Two common causes of headache are dehydration and posture misalignment so sort those out first.
Layer ibuprofen and codeine after that.
Also stress.
No ones suggesting ibuprofen or acetaminophen? It feels like theres this subsection of the population that’s adverse to taking any sort of pill, despite these two being some of the most benign, well known drugs in this history of medicine. Yes, if you take a shit ton or take them for weeks on end, you could cause some damage. But for a headache? Sore muscles? Literally anything inflammation related? Just take the damn pill. Way too many people just ignore the obvious solution and keep complaining about their pain.
When I got my wisdom teeth removed, I was told by the nurse that I could just “take as much as you need” of ibuprofen.
I’m not over here downing bottles of ibuprofen, but you’d really have to go to town on those before you risk any damage.
I usually give them to my kids as a healthy snack!
I dont think we have a store that sells it nearby
Do you not have a store at all nearby then? Those are literally the most common drugs out there and almost every store should have them them. Maybe you’re more familiar with their brand names, Advil and Tylenol.
I would recommend not having one.
Why didn’t i think of that?
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Drink more water and be mindful of what you eat. Chances are you are dehydrated or your blood sugar is crashing or spiking. Another cause is caffeine
I find that for me sleeping/napping is the most effective way to get rid of a headache.
Drink water until you slosh. I’ve found that an ice pack on the top of the head works wonders.