When trying to find the original top image, “male female hardcore” was a poor, poor choice of Google image search terms.
Or very good if youre into it…
It’s grim dawn.
when checkboxes aren’t styled as checkboxes
I truly thought this was supposed to be a third gender and they didn’t want to call it ‘other’ to not sound dismissing.
Man, round checkboxes are dumb.
My assumption would be that the gap between Male and Female is much thinner than to the Hardcore option. Thus it’s a new option group. And an option group with only one choice is invalid thus is has to be a checkbox.
I just assumed the option for normal difficulty was to the left and that’s why the image is weirdly cropped like that.
There is a gap between the male and female grouping and the hardcore. This is what leads me to believe that the hardcore option is in a different grouping, probably horizontal grouping which is why I think the normal difficulty is to the left.
Why would the gender selection me aligned vertically, but the mode selection horizontally?
Well seeing only 15% of the screen it’s hard to say. Could make design sense or could be bad design, or I could be wrong.
The male/female part are radio buttons.
After the first UI update pass, someone on the forums made this into a meme after they noticed that Crate missed the title screen in the update. The dev team thought it was funny and just left it like that.
Well maybe it’s multiple choice.
- “Dong, beard broad shoulders”
- “Tits, hips, smaller waist”
- “Character deleted on death”
Choose any combination you want
- uses the same type of armor for females as certain other games, except with realistic defense stats instead
They’re called Radio Buttons https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_button
The option female and male are radio buttons yes…
Hardcore ain’t a radio button here.
Oh that’s fair. At least one radio button in the group must be selected otherwise yeah it’s just a checkbox in disguise.
game where what gender your character is is based on the difficulty level. Men are easy mode, because of male privilege. Women are medium, they start out with 25% less GP and have a debuff when traveling without a companion NPC at night. Nonbinary people are hard mode, some NPCs will perceive your character as “against the natural order” and attack them, but if they fail the “pronouns” skill check they get a disadvantage.
deleted by creator
Man i have fond memories of S1 RvB.
“Lift with your back, not your legs. Groin it out”
The whole Bloodgulch chronicles are forever etched into my mind.
“It’s a sniper rifle, asshole. It’s is a long-range weapon.”
“What were you gonna do: mail him the bullets?!”
It’s so weird to me that this scene never actually happened in RvB. The first few times I saw this format I could visualize it, I could hear it, but now when I search for it all I get is people who also thought it actually happened.
It’s just such a RvB joke,
and I swear to god there was a scene where they asked about O’Malley’s gender, but I can’t find this exchange specificallyEdit: scratch that, it was actually Donut
To be fair, the left images are from Halo 2 and the ones on the right are from Halo 1, so this exact screengrab wouldn’t really be possible to begin with. I’m pretty sure the “doom” meme is a really old Tumblr shitpost that got reposted with different IP/screengrabs over the years (and the RvB one became the popular version?).
RIP Rooster Teeth
Skill is stored in the balls.
Grim Dawn is an ally. Good ass game.
That’s Titan Quest. Nice game.
Looks like Grim Dawn to me. Got to research.
Ah could well be
Hate when I H.A.R.D.C.O.R.E. my pants
Skill issues
Avenger Warder go bonk
Ok, but why Doc and O’Malley?