One is a watch. The other is an expensive piece of jewelry that is also a watch.
Jewelry is also fucking retarded. Once upon a time some guy was like ‘you see this rock? awfully shiny. you want that rock?’ and some dumbfuck was like ‘yes, I do’ and the guy with the rock replied ‘$$$’ and thus, jewelery was invented.
It’s a damn shiny rock. It serves no purpose. And people pay thousands of dollars for tiny rocks. Buy vibrators, not rocks. Cheaper 10 fold, actually useful, great gifts.
Sure, if you want to get super Vulcan about it. But people have emotions, can appreciate craft, can appreciate nature, and like to express themselves.
Granted, the person that buys a $100k watch is usually trying to express “I have money.” So fuck that person. But on the flip side, you have things like the necklace my wife wears, which contains a coin that reminds her of her mom, and was made by a local skilled craftsperson that makes really interesting stuff.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with rocking something that is sentimental and expresses that you value good craft.
Casio F-91W - the undisputed ruler of functional wristwatches.
You better watch your back, you might already be in a CIA list now.
That was an interesting read. Thank you!
(They never did explain how the wartch was used as a timer though. Like was it only this mass produced watch that could be used or can any watch be used?)
I think it’s because how simple and ubiquitous it is. Just open the backplate and stick it to your detonator to use the speaker terminal as a source signal.
This page has more info:
Hell yes!
Does your wristwatch carry a history of use in terrorism? Did it once raise flags at the border if you had more than one? I’ll wait…
Casio gang ⌚
f91w gang
I’m wearing one right now!
I’m partial to the GA-2100 myself.
I was too, but now I swear on my GBD-200
The $40 watch is probably better at telling time because there’s a crystal oscillating there exactly 32768 times a second, instead of some gears and springs and shit that are roughly tuned to 10 Hz by a guy with a screwdriver.
No probably about it.
Mechanical watches lose 10-15 secs per day which declines as they get older or aren’t serviced, a $40 Casio might miss 30 secs per month, never needs servicing other than a battery change.
Mechanical watches are no longer utility items, they are fashion items that happen to tell time.
If radio controlled like mine, it’s syncron with the central EU atomic clock with 9.192.631.770 Hz. Not bad for €25.
I’m just here to brag about my old Casio G-Shock.
CSB: Just before the collapse of the USSR I was part of a youth sailing exchange program. They sent some kids here to compete in some races and we went there to compete. The whole thing was set up as a sort of goodwill ambassador thing. Back then rainbows were streaming out of all our asses because we thought that the end of the cold war would meant peace on earth and a new era of prosperity (oops). My dad gave me a G-Shock before I left.
The official exchange rate sucked. 2 USD per Ruble. Fortunately we stood out like sore thumbs as soon as we showed up and some local “entrepreneurs” kindly offered us much better exchange rates (the best I managed was 20 Rubles per USD). Of course, these totally legitimate businessmen didn’t limit themselves to currency exchange. They also dealt in direct barter. They often tried to hawk one of their “military” Komandirskie watches for my G-shock. We’re talking craptacular mechanical POSes where numbers would fall off the face if you looked at them too aggressively. I told them that I’d trade but not for a watch. I wanted a sable hat.
To show them how much better my watch was I took it off my wrist. Grabbed it by one strap and whipped it against the concrete floor as hard as I could. One strap popped off. I popped it back on while they laughed at me, showed them it still worked fine and I told them it was their turn. They didn’t take me up on that or give me a sable hat.
But they gave up on trying to convince me that they had anything that could compete with my G-Shock. I’ve changed the battery on that thing twice since then. The light sucks and it looks basic AF but that thing will definitely outlive me and my whole family.
one is a time saver, as you can get yourself out of almost any legal troubles on earth, as an untraceable get out of jail card.
Wouldn’t a nice fake work just as well for that purpose? Like not a 20€ fake from the Vintimille market but a nice one.
if they didnt know who you are somehow and couldnt come back to you then maybe. or maybe you’d be much much worse off.
Good point for some reason I was only thinking of the “you’re getting bullied at a road stop by third world police in a country you’ll never go back to” types of situations.
those guys would accept a pack of cigarettes.
It happened to me once and cost me about 70€ if I remember well, basically the fine magically was exactly the amount I had in there which they saw during the search…
a “shake down”
my watch only costed me $20
I personally can get down for a purely mechanical watch just for the sheer engineering involved
Stop buying the marketing hype. An LED display alone is significantly more complex and engineered than any mechanical watch. Every smart watch on the planet is literally full orders of magnitude more complex than any mechanical watch.
If you said, “it’s a small, simple, cool machine” that would be completely true. But they are not more engineered than nearly every other device you possess in your home, including the nearest set of $20 bluetooth earbuds.
Not to mention they’re worse at keeping time.
You know, like the whole point of a watch.
My $400 watch also tells the weather and has my calendar ! That’s an actual upgrade. A Rolex Logo is not.
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Functionality > resale value
Who cares what it’s worth in 10 years if I get my money’s worth out of it
This is super dependent on the watch itself, watch batteries aren’t inherently unreplaceable.
If your problem is e-waste, disposable vapes are by far a larger contributor than a single watch that someone will use for years before buying a new one.
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If you are buying expensive jewelry to hold value that’s fine, but that’s not what everyone is doing or wants. If you don’t care about e-waste then frankly I’m not sure why you care what other people spend their money on.
Last time I checked replacing the battery cost $60
Also, I can buy new smart watches every time the battery gets used up, or updates stop coming ; and at the end of my life I won’t even be halfway to a Rolex’s price tag.
The Casio though, that is a good deal.
But the one with the Rolex logo will most likely retain it’s value over multiple years and might even increase.
Yours will probably be out of software updates and incompatible within a couple of years.
Value is a false system - just because you ‘value’ something doesn’t mean it is actually logically worth anywhere near that amount. Plus, ones personal decision of ‘value’ doesn’t mean shit if 1) they aren’t selling it and 2) others don’t share the ‘value’. I can go to Walmart, stand in the doorway, and tell people that they owe me money for being in my presence. But if they don’t also share the sentiment, I’m not going to make any money.
Have you looked at the second hand market of used Rolex Watches vs First Generations of Smart Watches?
I’m not trying to put anyone down jut fact remains,you can flip the Rolex you buy on the second hand market and get money back after 10+ years.ä without any problems.
Rolexes are for people who understand total cost of operation
But even if I replace my watch every time it stops getting updates, I can do that for multiple lifetimes before it costs me anywhere close to what a Rolex would have 😅
Depends on how long you live/often you buy a new one and what you pay for your watches now doesn’t it? 😉
The 400$ one will also contribute to e-waste.
Just saying.
That is a real problem.
I hope we can find a solution for that, but as of now living without producing e-waste is literally impossible, so I don’t really bother my mind with the exact quantity.
If I keep buying smart watches at this rate, in 30 years I will have produced around a single smartphone’s worth of e-waste from them, and that’s if literally none of it gets recycled.
( My phone (iPhone 13 mini) is approximately 6x the size of my watch (Watch series 4) ; and I’ve had that one for 6 years. I’m only replacing it if it doesn’t get the next watchOS, which I won’t know until WWDC, so I made a pessimistic guess that it won’t for the calculation. )
Lemmy Poster: flexing their $40 waterproof watch
Me with a $30AUD (~$15-20 USD): it tells the same time
Its been a while since I bought a watch but I recall them being under $10 even if they had calculator features
This was an ALDI special buys smart watch, but it doesn’t have calculator features : (
My is from LIDL (Auriol). Watches (Made in Germany) have a good quality, nice design and are very precise, apart also cheap (€10 - 40). The other one I’ve bought for €10 last year
Your Australian watch can’t even tell the right day. It thinks it’s tomorrow!
No I believe your watch is wrong thinking it is yesterday!
My phone tells me the time and can communicate with people, lets me access the Internet, and has games. And it doesn’t evenb irritate the shit out of me when I need to type on a keyboard.
There is something special about a watch (especially a mechanical one) that a phone can’t fulfill. It’s a tiny machine operated by gears and that’s just so amazing. When you get a watch where you can see the movement it just ticks the right boxes. And there are some really beautiful, amazing watches which don’t require selling your house.
Which unfortunately means every time you pull it out you can get on lemmy, if you have a new email you can read and reply to it, you can play a quick bullet game of chess… Etc etc. Phones are great, but they are also finely tuned distraction boxes.
I’m trying to wear my watch more.
I cant remember the last time I wore a watch, either.
I save money by asking people for the time. It’s totally free.
Me when I buy a knockoff that looks the same as the expensive one
My $8 watch in a nutshell
I don’t get why more people don’t have hybrid smartwatches (the ones with e ink displays)
Love mine
what do you recommend? really miss my pebble steel…
I would also like to know
stop flexing with your 40$ watch :)
I have a little nicer watch. Accurate to the second and water-resistant to 100 m. My OCD is smiling, inside.
A while ago I came to the conclusion that a Casio G-Shock is the best watch. They don’t have to be expensive, a good one will sync the time multiple times a day, so it’s always accurate. A good one also has small solar panels in the watch face, so the battery will never be empty, and all of them are really build to last.
From a pure functional perspective I think it’s the best watch ever made. It basically tells you the correct time, always.
I keep one until the battery dies. Then I replace the battery with a second rechargeable lithium and a new watch band. By the next time the next battery goes dead, the case is shot, too. Make absolutely sure that you follow the battery replacement directions carefully, reading the directions fully BEFORE attempting it. There are very tiny parts that can drop out and easily lost.