I can kinda see “shot an old horse or two” as being a positive thing, okay you got over the squeamishness of it and did a sick animal a mercy.
Winging a goat and gosh I gotta go get more ammo to finish this one off, well that’s starting to get a little peculiar.
LIKING IT SO MUCH THAT YOU WENT OUT AND GOT A NEW PUPPY SO YOU COULD DO IT AGAIN, well hoooly fuck we are getting into something entirely else now aren’t we?
Yeah sometimes animals need to be put down out in the country.
But she just completely failed to raise that dog to do what she wanted, completely impatient, then decided the only recourse was to shoot it.
Then just decided while she was out killin’ to shoot a “mean” goat too? Like if she hadn’t decided to kill the dog she wouldn’t have killed the goat? Bloodlust is what it sounds like.
Yeah, putting down a dog that bites people is sometimes the only option, but the way it was worded sounded more like “it wasn’t a golden genius and I didn’t like it, so I shot it instead of putting any effort into training it”
Someone with one brain cell and a shred of morality would re-home the dog first. At least try too. Growing up near farmers it wasn’t uncommon for them to give someone else a dog when that dog was a bad farm dog but could be a family dog. I’ve known farmers and they don’t act like Governor Noem.
I have a friend that works with a rescue group in Colorado, almost exclusively for cattle dogs. They rescue and re-home the dogs for a variety of reasons. The most prevalent is the dog can’t work anymore and will be put down. That’s it. It got too old and is consuming resources without producing.
I’m not saying all farmers and ranchers are like this, but the mentality certainly exists. These people see certain life as a commodity only, and it often extends to cruelty to “lower life”. It’s even at the root of calling people who aren’t in their tribe “lower life”, and devaluing them accordingly
Those same farmers I was talking about before have absolutely put down their own animals. They’ve shot their dogs when they’re old and it’s time. One family in particular let their cats “rejoin with nature” aka, just leaving it outside until a predator gets it. I think that’s crewl but I can accept those cats are farm cats, not house cats and had lived ‘in nature’ their whole lives. I’ve even heard about culling day when they plan to shoot the less useful animals. They get the right ammo, carts, make plans for what they will do with the carcass.
What they don’t do is shoot a young dog because it’s not what they hate it, then follow up with shooting a goat too and are pleased with themselves. That’s a bright red flag for anti-social or psychopathic behavior, I can never remember which is which. The farmers I know see culling their livestock as a task or a burden, but I’ve never heard a farmer tell me they take pleasure from it like Governor Noem did in her book. Unprompted I must add.
I’ve seen enough Criminal Minds to know what’s going on.
A quote I heard somewhere that always sticks with me “Serial killers will groom themselves to become mass murderers”
It always starts with something small, and they always move up, at every point knowing full well what’s going on and letting it happen.
WAIT so I’ve heard about the goat in passing, but a SECOND DOG‽
Also three horses…
Wait is that real? I was going to make a joke about a bunch of small animals when she was a child…
Jesus…someone open the cold cases…
Are we sure all of her kids are alive?
She decided to go ahead and kill the goat, too. She writes that the goat survived the first shot, so she went back to the truck, got another shell, then shot him again, killing him.
The goat she also killed
She killed a her dog which was young because she is a joke of a owner who thought a dog would just magically train itself…with a shotgun, because she’s a fucking idiot. Then she also killed a goat, also with a shotgun… because she’s a fucking idiot. Euthanizing animals sucks, and when it’s done properly, it’s quick, and painless. People like her, have no fucking clue how to do so, and shouldn’t be allowed to own animals or guns for that matter.
TL;DR, she’s a fucking idiot.
She also didn’t manage to get it done in one shot and then had to go get more ammo while the animal was suffering
But like, why? Also why admit to it? Is she just a moron or something? Is there a lore reason for this?
Why kill the dog? It didn’t listen to her, embarrassed her, and she couldn’t have that. Why admit to it? People already knew about it; she thought she could get in front of the story by spinning it as “hard decisions had to be made” rather than “sociopath murders dog.”
True that may be, however anyone with the capacity to reason should have been aware that this may not be the appropriate response to such an offense, especially with their future goals in mind. Someone bestowed with such an ability should also understand, that telling people about it is itself not the brightest idea, especially if one does it honestly. The question remaineth: is she an imbecile? (yep i head some fun with this)
The secret ingredient is the capacity to reason
I’ve heard two good explanations as to why she’d publicize such a story:
She botched a common Republican technique by choosing the wrong victim to villainize (full explanation here)
There are witnesses to the puppy murder (construction crew) so this is her way of getting ahead of the story before someone else tells it (AFAIK so far we’ve only heard her version; maybe reality is even worse)
There are witnesses to the puppy murder (construction crew) so this is her way of getting ahead of the story before someone else tells it (AFAIK so far we’ve only heard her version; maybe reality is even worse)
That is what Democrats in the state legislature are claiming. That this was known in a lot of circles already and there were witnesses.
So this was damage control. The worst attempt at damage control I’ve ever seen.
Even Republicans love dogs.
(Almost) Totally out of context comment warning
Some parts of these articles are always so weird for me. It’s not that I disagree or don’t understand the point, but that it’s always such a stupid part where they say “…now then, Trump said we’re X and Y, now this actually isn’t true, because in fact, he is.” and I can’t help but very silently yell to myself “my brother in Christ you are yet to prove your point in a logically sound way”. I mean I know that he is and he acts like people other than him are, but it shouldn’t be assumed I have that knowledge.
I think it’s just bad writing from the journalists’ part, that’s all.
Who? What?
The goat’s name was Kid Rock so that’s why no one is complaining.
If she gave it that name I am even more upset about that than it being shot.
Maybe she was just hungry for dog meat.
Oh! In that case it’s all good, killing other animals for food is totally necessary! (/s)
Maybe she could be like that guy on The Leftovers? She goes around killing things to keep the Sudden Departure from happening again. She’s doing this for us.
Does anyone know the dogs name?
Seems like goats are always getting some kind of screwed.