As an American emigrant: the red cups are real, but not limited to house parties; alcohol is a lot less accessible, so the party would be more likely to have four different kinds of liqueur from peoples parents or three handles of paint cleaner; getting the cops called on an underage party is serious. Like, potentially lose your job and home serious, even if you were gone for the weekend.
Interesting. I’m in Australia now and people here actually do respect the law when it comes to drinking. If you are under 18, it’s unlikely you will be able to buy alcohol or get into a nightclub etc. It would be shocking to hear someone got pissed drunk at 15, whereas where I come from that isn’t the case.
From OPs post I presumed US would be more like Australia in that regard, but, I take your word
I lived in Straya my whole life. I remember being 12 and my 13 year old buddy getting fucking drunk as hell on his dads beers during a massive party. It was a rural area though.
With the exception of fake IDs, I don’t know if anyone getting into nightclubs or most bars. Occasionally there’ll be a shitty gas station that’ll sell kids beer, but they get shut down pretty quick. It’s mainly kids getting drunk with other kids in garages, at house parties, in the woods, et cetera, because one of them has an older brother, or is dating an older person or something.
I grew up in the US, and the only person I know who didn’t drink as a 15 year old is a 33 year old who still doesn’t drink. Lol.
Most people I knew started in college. 15 is a bit young. Only knew a handful of partiers who drank in high school.
As a non-American, every single American teenage movie I’ve ever watched tells me this is untrue.
I mean getting alcohol for an underage party is the whole plot of Superbad.
As an American emigrant: the red cups are real, but not limited to house parties; alcohol is a lot less accessible, so the party would be more likely to have four different kinds of liqueur from peoples parents or three handles of paint cleaner; getting the cops called on an underage party is serious. Like, potentially lose your job and home serious, even if you were gone for the weekend.
Oh no. Wait until he finds out what frat parties really look like
Interesting. I’m in Australia now and people here actually do respect the law when it comes to drinking. If you are under 18, it’s unlikely you will be able to buy alcohol or get into a nightclub etc. It would be shocking to hear someone got pissed drunk at 15, whereas where I come from that isn’t the case.
From OPs post I presumed US would be more like Australia in that regard, but, I take your word
That might be more to do with your social circles. There was a shit ton of teenage drinking happening when I was in high-school.
I lived in Straya my whole life. I remember being 12 and my 13 year old buddy getting fucking drunk as hell on his dads beers during a massive party. It was a rural area though.
With the exception of fake IDs, I don’t know if anyone getting into nightclubs or most bars. Occasionally there’ll be a shitty gas station that’ll sell kids beer, but they get shut down pretty quick. It’s mainly kids getting drunk with other kids in garages, at house parties, in the woods, et cetera, because one of them has an older brother, or is dating an older person or something.