He did not, in fact, trade the popemobile for this.
That car provided more protection than god ever could
I mean that’s an extremely low bar. a metal folding chair in the back of a pick-up also would…
Because the vehicle exists?
No, because the dude got shot without it.
That’s why the vehicle exists, but it provided more protection than god because it exists.
You’d think god would protect the pope so they wouldn’t need bulletproof glass.
Almost like the pope doesn’t trust him or … gasp, doesn’t believe it to exist.
Man was in a terrible flood and climbed up to the roof to avoid the water that kept rising. He was very religious and so when a boat came by and offered hep he said, " God will save me" and refused to go. The water rose higher and a jetski came by and offered to help, but again the man said, “God will save me”. The water rose even higher and a helicopter came by and lowered a ladder, and again he refused and said “God will save me”. The waters kept rising, swept the man into the flood and he drowned.
In heaven, the man speaks to God and says" why didn’t you save me?"
God replies, “I sent a boat, a jetski and a helicopter! What more did you want?”
He could but he just doesn’t feel like it
God gave us the power to make the popemobile. Checkmate atheists.
Did he suggest an alternate term, or just say ‘stop calling it that’?
As stated clearly in the article, the term is not “popemobile”, but rather “undignified”.
All I know is that his request was ignored
But what alternative would you suggest?
Pope Force One.
Sacral Scooter.
The Holy Whip.
Chryst-ler. Popeswagon.
Heh good one and very dignified
Hyund-died for your sins.
Died Ford Your Sins
Very nice very nice - now let’s see the pope’s car
Niss-son of God
Pope force one coming out of the gate strong
Holy Honda
Lord focus
His Holdenness
Chitty Chitty Bang Kids
That’s the one with tinted windows.
Scooty-Pope Jr.
Holy Roller
The Porta Poper
Pope Mc Poppy.
I want to buy a sacral scooter now
Worship-me-mobile as that appears to be what it is.
Sacred Scooter
Holy Rollie?
Yes yes I like this one !
Popey McPope face
Popey McPopeface
Does anyone in that cult ever suggest alternatives, or just say ‘Don’t do that’?
No, I traded it for a microphone.
A microphone?!
Okay I can see that
Can you though? It’s micro.
He traded his Batmobile for a magnifying glass.
Plus, it’s a model made before catalytic converters so it runs good on regular gas.
I didn’t realise the ramifications of this statement until right now
I love that description! “In 2002 he asked to stop calling it the popemobile, (so anyway…) in 2008 the popemobile…” lol
If everything in his crackpot sandstorm hallucination of a religion is correct I imagine his toes are quite toasty about now.
Best read in Ron Howard’s voice
*hwæt !
We Gardena in geardagum, þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon, hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.
And the snake said, “sorry mate, I don’t speak old English”
Man I love Beowulf, what other poems start with “so there was this king who was very good at barfights”?
Ah, the God Force 1
Man with science made object to protect a man of all-powerful god.
I sent you a truck, a boat, and a popemobile 😢
“Take me seriously” says man in absurd robes, silly hat and one of a kind noddy car.
It’s got a holy motor, a 440 cubic inch plant, it’s got holy tires, holy suspensions, holy shocks. It’s a model made before the protestant reformation so it’ll run good on regular indulgences. What do you say, is it the new Popemobile or what?
Fix the holy cigarette lighter.
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