That only applies to the weird attempts at imitation 'Muricans do for Wiener/Frankfurter (“Hot Dogs”) and Mortadella (“Bologna”)
I’m sure I’ve tried Mortadella. I’ve never heard of it named “Bologna”. I don’t like the taste or texture, I find it really different from hot dogs or sausages. But, this Mortadella was from Argentina. I’m not sure if the European version is actually like hot dogs and also called Bologna
European here, specifically NL. There is no “bologna” or “baloney” in stores here. We do have “boterhamworst” in stores here, though that is frequently considered a cheap, unimpressive product, compared to more fresh meat. And other countries have their own implementations, often of higher quality thanks to long-standing traditions of sausage production.
Also, though I in particular cannot speak from experience, I have a good reason to believe that if you were to travel to the city of Bologna in Italy, and try some Mortadella there, your opinion will most likely be informed more by better, or at least more representative examples.
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Hell if I know, I’ve never been to Hamburg. It sounds like a nice city to check out some time soon tho, soooo…
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When I think about it, hamburgers in Hamburg could be very good. Conceptually, a burger is not that difficult, and artisan burger places absolutely exist. Add to this the fact that food quality in Germany, especially in full service restaurants, is generally good, and I would find it probable that the top 5% of hamburgers in Hamburg could very well be amazing
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N o
Who eats their hotdogs cold?!
Yknow sometimes on a hot day you just want a cold flat hotdog on your shaved ice
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I grab a hot dog right out of the fridge, put it on the bread and cheese, and eat it just like that. Sometimes with ketchup and/or mustard too.
Football fans
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I grew up eating Vienna sausages and deviled ham, so when I say your comment made me dry heave, I need you to know I’m not coming from a place of privilege here.
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These are just giant wurstel slices. I Never heard of Bologna in Italy and Mortadella is not the same at this thing
This is Mortadella di Bologna, and the taste is amazing.
I’ve long called it hotdog logs. I hates it.
WTF is this nightmare