I’m in my 30s and still do that. No reason to spend extra effort to give out info they don’t need.
I check to see if I can put February 30th (less common of an error these days) on the oldest year they’ll let me. 29th if 30th isn’t an option and try to select a really old non leap year
I always go back further. 1642 or 1865 for example
I’ll take 08.19.1995, the cross sum is 42.
On the one hand, I disapprove of unnecessary math, but on the other, I approve of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy reference… That’s too big a dilemma before my second cup of coffee!
Enjoy your coffee good VikingHippie! May there rest of the day be easier for you.
Thanks! May the rest of your day be good and easy too!
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Let’s not start that crap of censoring incredibly stupid words on this website. Let’s leave that in the past.
They said incredibly stupid words.
Some words should stay censored.
you know what, its best to just never mention the word entirely
He used “shit” in another post’s title. But porn? Oh Jesus Christ better censor that!
You must write p"rn, if you write porn a christian underage instantly becomes gay just by seeing the word.
Is it one more every time you write it? Because if so, I’d like to add porn porn pornity porn with extra porn on the side 🤷
In a little over 5 months, I won’t have to lie anymore…
Obviously, I am not old. But it feels odd. I vividly remember thinking that “9th graders are really old”. I remember waiting to turn 13 to play PUBG (it was in the license agreement, and I actually took the time to read it¯\_(ツ)_/¯
). Hell, I even thought the 6 year old kindergartners were old when I was 3.
I’ll probably think back to writing this comment in 10 years.
The time feels weird with all the memories piling up.
I am overthinking again. Sorry.That’s just how life works. Wait until you get to be in your 40s or 50s and your doctor is younger than you, and so is you boss.
Ugh, I hate that. I also seem to be surrounded by old-looking people who are exactly my age! It’s like someone flipped a switch the moment I turned 40 roughly 10 months ago 😂
A 6 year old kindergartener does sound kinda old tho
The last grade is 5-6 year old. So just about to leave.
When I was 18 I remember selecting “yes I’m over 18” for the first real time. I was just hit with the reality of “Oh. I’m not doing anything naughty anymore. I’m not in the wrong at all. I am now just a dude watching porn.” hits harder than you think.
Shoulda gone with jan 1 1970.
I was born at second zero!
Way to wild, all this lysergic acid diethylamide 25 on sugar…
That’s the start of the Unix epoch.
Nerd version of 1900-01-01.
The effects of Lysergsäurediethylamid were discovered in 1943 though.
By Albert Hofmann while riding a bicycle.
Not to mention the monosodium glutamate…
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Almost everything I just put 01.01.2000 because quite frankly websites have no business knowing my actual birthday.
I’ve been doing that longer than 2000 has been old enough, so it’s been Jan 1, 1990 for me.
I’ve been doing that longer than 1990 has been old enough, so it’s been 1.1.1980 for me.
I hear at that age you unlock Porn 2
Its just photos of people sleeping peacefully without being tormented by anxiety about the everything
Me making an account:“yeah, Moses was a cool dude”
Love having a Logitech MX, you just flick the mousewheel and it’ll gooooooooooo
A can of compressed air and it’ll BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Sooo… you’re telling me you’re older than Earth, huh?
How long until we’re all born Jan 1 2000?
5 years ago
I like 1/1/1 (2001-01-01) better.
1/1/1970. they love zeros
Wassup, my Unix time bro
Hey, that’s my birthday too, everytime I get asked!
April 20, 1969 is a go-to.
Now I need to know what “ultra porn” is…