If you use git and understand that VSC’s source control stuff is just a thin wrapper around git, you should understand what “discard all changes” means
I’m not claiming that “discard” is a git action. I’m claiming a git user should understand what’s meant by the phrase “discard changes”. Run git status in a repo that has changes in the working directory. In the resulting output, there’s a message:
Changes not staged forcommit:
(use"git add ..." to update what will be committed)
(use"git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory)
The phrase “discard changes” is used consistently in git’s output.
Warns you that changes will be discarded…not quite the same words
I just tried right now to get the exact message.
The confirmation button even says
Delete File
…User error.
This issue was from 2017
Ah looking at issue 32459 it was addressed shortly after.
You’re right that it did originally say “Discard”.
If you use git and understand that VSC’s source control stuff is just a thin wrapper around git, you should understand what “discard all changes” means
“discard” is not a git operation. Reset and restore are, but those weren’t the words used.
I’m not claiming that “discard” is a git action. I’m claiming a git user should understand what’s meant by the phrase “discard changes”. Run
git status
in a repo that has changes in the working directory. In the resulting output, there’s a message:Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed) (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory) ...
The phrase “discard changes” is used consistently in git’s output.
Read this comment from the linked bug. https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/32459#issuecomment-322160461
Ok that’s understandable, I didn’t realize VSCode used to delete untracked files as well as a result of clicking through that dialogue.
Broken stair apologism.