KilledByGoogle feasting good recently.
I don’t understand why they don’t make Google Podcasts a front end to YT. A dedicated podcast app would be much better IMO, YT music sucks as is.
I LOVED Google Play Music. Hands down, one of the best music streaming services I’ve used. And then they killed it. And replaced it with a totally not-fit-for-purpose YT Music app that couldn’t even load the full list of artists in my library (scroll, wait for load, scroll, wait for load).
And now this.
Having used Android as my daily driver since the HTC Dream, I moved over to Apple a year ago. I miss many things about Android but the constant death of great but poorly/zero marketed products and services isn’t one of them.
Best way to use an Android is to stay as far away as you can from Google products or at least minimize it.
Protonmail, Organic Maps/Magic Earth, Signal, Firefox, Spotify, Newpipe, AntennaPod and so on.
I’m so impressed with how much third party mapping has improved. Especially Magic Earth - it locates me faster then Google maps, while not having a data connection out in the boonies. Like in 2 seconds.
Even in the city GMaps never locates me anywhere near that fast.
Navigation in Magic is also fsr, far faster. Again, 2 to 3 seconds to map a route.
Stellar advice, and that’s a fantastic set of apps you’ve suggested.
Still on Android here, but Apple Music is by far the best music experience (even on Android!) which I find quite amusing. Was a worthy replacement after GPM died.
It’s on Android?!? I need to share that with my partner - huzzah for Family Sharing.
Is it really killed by Google when it’s intentional to own the IP and print money off its licensing.
Perhaps a better term is IPenshitification.
Google is becoming less a tech company by the day & becoming patent trolls.
RIP Google Podcasts. I’m not a fan of everything being moved under the YouTube branding, a platform I’ve come to associate with terrible ads, questionable algorithms, and the promotion of misinformation.
Now you can have your podcasts with terrible ads, questionable algorithms and the promotion of misinformation!
Would be a lot harder to maintain that crucial functionality across different apps
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I’ve never used/liked Google podcasts (I’ve used BeyondPod since before Google Podcasts existed and never saw a reason to change), this really doesn’t change much for me either.
But it makes sense from Google’s Perspective to have everything under the same umbrella.
If I wanted to use YT Music I’d already be using it. Podcasts and music are not the same thing. Anyway…
There are some good alternatives out there, like Antennapod.
.youtube tld exists?
They are going to announce Youtube Music Messenger app in the next I/O, aren’t they? to add to their ever growing list of messenger portfolio.
They already added comments. It’s the carcinization of the tech world, eventually everything Google touches turns into a messaging platform
I understand the hate YT Music has for its history of being released as a big mess, but nowadays the app its actually pretty good. And having the podcasts inside the YT Music will help the podcasts that release in video to have both in the same place and interchangeable (is that a word?).
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