Discontinuation Syndrome goes brrrrr… [Error, brain.exe has crashed because antidepressant.dll is not found]
My parents used to be against me taking my meds. Been on them for nearly 9 years now.
I was forced to stop taking them for months due to a shortage last year.
My mother came over one day to find my house absolutely trashed, my mail piled up, my water shut off, I had gained 20 lbs, and all sorts of other “fun” things I was unable to address thanks to my condition.
She no longer encourages me to stop taking my meds.
Meds can be good. They may not be right for everyone, but take them if they help (while working with a qualified medical professional).
Now you have an emergency stash of meds, I hope?
Certain medications, such as scheduled drugs, can only be prescribed on a month-by-month basis for exactly 30 pills. You have to get a new script every month.
Next, you have to be lucky enough that your pharmacy has your medicine and specific dosage in stock. If not, it can take several days for a new order to arrive, and other times, it might take more than a week. If you’re out of medicine, and nothing is available nearby, you’re out of luck.
In the exception of either not taking your meds on certain days or intentionally taking less than your prescribed dose–and both of these scenarios can potentially leave you unable to function–there is no other way to create an emergency stash.
I’m lucky my pharmacy gets shit by the next day pretty much every time.
That’s horrible! What country are you from?
Idk if they’re in the US, but that’s how it is with pretty much all ADHD medicine here. It feels extra malicious because executive disfunction means jumping through all those hoops feels almost impossible.
Don’t think of it like a weakness or anything like that - it’s brain chemistry (not always, but for most of what we’re talking here, it is). Presently, the only way to change the chemicals in your brain is through medication
Think of it like diabetes. Would you feel that way if you were taking insulin?
Or think of it like chemo. Chemo sucks, cancer is a “game over”
The medicine works and very often we don’t know why but who cares if it’s helping us? It could be a placebo for all I know. I’m just glad someone goes to the trouble of making this stuff.
There are people who think insulin dependency is a choice.
In case of diabetes from obesity - it is a choice. Irreversible one.
Edit: not always irreversible.
Thought it actually is reversible, at least in some cases?
Are you talking about KRISP or another gene editing technique?
That was stupid from my side.Nah, just thought that obesity-induced diabetes is (at least partially / in some cases) reversible by losing weight
You’re right
Your title ‘quote’ is very much like saying to someone, “Just stop obtaining the right vitamins, minerals, and amounts, for your body and brain to function at a better health level. Just be happy with what you started with when you were born.”
Fucking nonsense.
You do understand what sarcasm is… right?
The quote is mocking those who unironically say it.
Yes also I’m not sure if you realised but the capitalisation seems to be a bit wrong
That’s random capitalization which is used to indicate sarcasm when /s tag is not suitable.
For posts like these, you kinda have to actually indicate sarcasm otherwise people will misinterpret it as unironic, since some people do actually say it unironically.
Yes I know, my comment probably could have done with one of those /s tags
Lol, sarcasm-ception. See this is why we need sarcasm indicators, since it’s hard to detect sarcasm. Especially when my brain is still kinda fucked up by withdrawl from antidepressants.
On a serious note, sorry you’re going through that. Doesn’t sound fun. Hope you get the medicine you need and manage ok in the meantime.
Is this comment ironic or unironic?
Their use of majuscule and minuscule letters would make any English teacher proud.
-I’m fine bro I’m cured
Proceed to discontinue the medication
-Oh no I’m actually dying
-End of meme-
Commentary.exe initializing…
Who would have guessed?
Jokes apart, I blame society for anxiety, being so fast paced and all.
-End of Commentary-
I take medication and still panik, help pls
Seriously though, I didn’t take any meds the first 25 years of my life. After starting them, it literally changed my life and I wish I had started so much sooner. I would’ve had such a better life.
Ugh. I hate being dependent on medications, because they cost money and I have to remember to take them, but especially because I can’t drink any alcohol while I’m on them. But without them, my brain goes all flibbity-floobity.
There’s nothing wrong with relying on medication. I just wanted to state that.
Don’t ever randomly stop taking medication. Always consult a doctor first.
Even with medication I am not in a good place right now. But I am glad I don’t have the thoughts of hurting myself thanks to the meds.
I stopped taking my meds at one point, won’t make that mistake again. At least not without some other major life changes, but probably not even then.
Bro, just let’s smoke a joint. It’s natural, you know. Your pills are full of chemicals eww. /s
pd: “full of chemicals” also applies to food. Since natural food is made of antimatter, aparently.
I’m hopeful for the psilocybin therapy bringing fruits in the coming years.
I’m having to come to terms that I can’t function without them. I tried to live off for four years off and it went okay for a short time but it just kept getting worse and worse despite doing everything in my power to not need them whether it was therapy, exercise, eating healthy or anything else
“I stopped taking the medication because they kill all creativity I had and the shitty health system refuses to give me a different one” - one story I’ve heard so far. I’m not saying it’s bad, don’t get me wrong, I’m saying every patient is different and they shouldn’t be pressed in drawers made by the pharmaceutical industry. Take your meds, if you can.
So don’t stop taking the medicaments?
You usually stop cos of side effects. I speak from experience. Been fighting anxiety and depression since 1996.
Panic attack, take meds, become zombie, stop meds, panic attack.
CBD has been a godsend though. It completely stopped my panic attacks for almost 2 years until just this last weekend. Not sure what triggered it this time.
I have generalized anxiety, no triggers, so I go under SSRIs, anorgasmia, stop. Rinse and repeat.
I stop because I start feeling better and hope I can make it. Or I take a day off for the brain zaps.
I see. My bad, sorry.
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People taking their needed medication aren’t at fault for the predatory systems that control distribution and pricing. The blame falls on the institutions that fail us, not on the properly medicated.
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Need to eat? Congratulations, you now rent your stomach from big farmer.
Don’t tell him about the water supply. It’s filled with chemicals known as Dihydrogen monoxide. 100% of the people who comes into contact with it eventually dies. This must stop! Ban Dihydrogen monoxide!
That’s why I drink piss.
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Good point, there are no morally bankrupt monopolies or mega corporations in the food industry. Thank goodness
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Well, if there were a couple of thousand of them in your state then they wouldn’t be alone would they, so which is it?
Good point again though, anyone can grow food! Anyway, I’m off to grow my rice, wheat, sugar, cocoa, coffee, vegetables and milk for the day.
The research in question here obviously isn’t pubmed or publishing journals but boomer Facebook memes, “holistic” mommy bloggers and at least a few nazis in a trench coat pretending to be a doctor
I can only assume from this comment that you’re American. In countries with nationalised healthcare, our medical professionals don’t profit at all from selling medication; they prescribe medication because it is what their patients need. America might have a profit-driven healthcare system but don’t assume that every country does.
If by “do your own research” you mean “read the studies” then by all means, go ahead. If, and I guess that’ll be the case for 99% of people without related degrees, you can’t understand them you should accept that you’re in no way equipped to do your own research.
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The average lemm.ee poster 👆 👆 👆
I fucking wish rent was as cheap as my pills.
Easy, just be born in a wealthy land-owning family … oh yea… about that…, why don’t you try for a better spawn next time around, eh? 😔
If the options are between being me with some help from hundreds of thousands of scientists with the backing of society, or being froghorse. I’ll choose the former.
It’s insane takes like this that make the least capable of us doubt getting help.
Do you eat food? Do you drive over bridges? Do you go to the hospital to get your bones set? Use electricity to heat or cool your home? Fortified food so you don’t die from goiter or scurvy?
Congrats, you’re relying on completely unnatural things to help you get through life easier. There is ZERO difference between the former and medications. Entire industries are built around them.
Unfortunately, people like froghorse are nothing new and they probably won’t be going anywhere. They are the manifestation of societal ennui and lack of empathy. They prefer their false reality over the one we’re forced to share with them.
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The relevant medical science is obscured behind a veil of esoterica and complexity
Just because you cannot understand something does not make it false lmfao.
Complex things are complex. Some of them cannot be dumbed down. It’s the entire, literal point, to civilization. Specialization.
And of all the things you want to complain about not knowing, is medications? So many of the metabolic pathways are heavily described and detailed. Very little of it requires intricate knowledge of biomechanica or biochemistry.
The rest of it is LITERALLY missing link versions of what people classically know about evolution. We know
A >>>> G
That doesn’t mean magic happens between B, C, D, E, and F. It means biology is fucking stupid because evolution at it’s core is based on entropy lol. It takes forever to learn why and what stupid mechanics do what.
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It’s either antidepressants, alcohol, or not-so-legal drugs. 😥
We are all slaves one way or another.
Let me guess, you’re one of those cretins that think that clinical depression is when you feel sad sometimes?
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Considering what a sorry state my brain’s in I’d gladly rent it to someone more qualified to deal with its bullshit. I don’t see your point. If not for big pharma I’d be dead a long time ago.