On Bottles with the default runner I always had the mouse focus glitch. On Steam Proton Experimental it works great! If you play on BNet, I suggest you switch to Steam.
I dreamed of Overwatch being on Steam for many years but I really didn’t expect it to happen. Issues with Battle.net made me reinstall constantly.
Now that it’s on Steam I’ll play a bit more until I’m fed up with their monetization that’s close to p2w (overpowered heroes locked behind paid battle pass).
Overwatch is one of the easiest games to run on Linux, even before OW2. If I’m not mistaken Devs also had a positive attitude towards Wine/Proton, where they stated they will not be barring Linux players (looking at you, Bungie)
Overwatch was one of the first DX11 games running well on WineD3D back around 2016-2017 or so. Maybe it was just because of how popular it was at the time, but I remember it being a big deal that it was working. Before that point wine was really only used for DX9 games and below. This was even before DXVK came along in 2018.