I just had two different rolls of toilet paper sitting in my bathroom, and looking at them from the shower I got an epiphany.
Some rolls are soft on both sides, while some only on external one!
And if you have the latter and tend to rip two squares and fold (and it’s easier to fold downside up), if you hang it over you’ll end up with the rough side!
Those people just don’t want to hurt their bums! All while the rest enjoys more easy access to toilet paper while hanging it over.
Endless debate…solved?
No, under is still never the right way. That’s just a fact. You can talk about folding all day, but that’s a separate issue.
Unless you have a child or an insane cat that likes to bat the roll & dump it all on the floor. Thank fuck that part of my life is over.
Wow. Imagine being so confidently wrong. I’m embarrassed for you
Edit: I realize the downvotes now. I missed the “never” in the comment I replied to
The patent for the toilet paper roll clearly shows the roll going over. Any other way is user error.
I’m super confused why you got so many upvotes and I got so many downvotes. Were people just reading my comment wrong or something?
Edit: I realize the downvotes now. I missed the “never” in the comment I replied to
That patent expired more than a century ago.
Society has moved on.
People who hang it “under” are both wrong and unhygienic.
People who care this much about dunny paper must not have much else going on .
Here’s a tip to ensure your toilet use is hygienic no matter howe the paper is stored: After you take a shit, wipe, then wash your hands
That wasn’t the point being discussed, but good on you for knowing basic hygiene.
I replied to a comment saying one way of putting bog roll on is more hygienic…
Better yet, use a bidet and just use the paper to dry off.
I hang it under so that my cats can’t unravel it easily
EDIT: I will never know why this received a downvote.
Are practical adjustments in order to keep your cat from shredding/eating toilet paper so wrong?
I trained my cat not to touch it.
I took a metal measuring cup from the kitchen and set it atop the roll. As soon as he’d go to pull on the paper it would fall off and make a loud clang against the tile floor.
After just a few scares like that, he’s not touched the roll in years.
You can’t reprimand a cat into not doing something, but a small change to make doing it unpleasant makes em stop pretty quick.
Cat: noted
rolls the toilet paper at night, causing as loud of a noise as possible
I’ve seen this said a few times, and I agree that it is a valid reason.
But whoever is doing it like this out of preference has something very wrong with them.
Same goes for toddlers. Also I find that I can easier hold the roll and rip off a piece with just one hand when it is under.
I trained my
cattoddler not to touch it.I took a metal measuring cup from the kitchen and set it atop the roll. As soon as he’d go to pull on the paper it would fall off and make a loud clang against the tile floor.
After just a few scares like that, he’s not touched the roll in years.
You can’t reprimand a
cattoddler into not doing something, but a small change to make doing it unpleasant makes em stop pretty quick.New copypasta just dropped (⁀ᗢ⁀)
I heard of this, then i tried this, my cat still able to pull it somehow. Now i’m wondering if my cat is just extra naughty.
Your cat is probably just smarter than my little dumbasses, lol
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Only Satanists and swingers hang toilet paper under.
Only the fun people? Maybe I should switch…
Never attribute to reasoning that which can be explained by laziness.
Some rolls are only soft on one side
Uh… What? Are you sure that’s toilet paper and not sand paper you’re thinking of?
Yes, toilet paper. Quite some rolls are more rough on one side - not sandpaper rough, but still enough to potentially cause irritation on the gentle skin adjacent to anus.
Like a kitchen sponge, you need that abrasive side to scrape off the shit that you missed last time and is now crusted in between your cheeks
It also matters if it’s installed on your dominant hand’s side, or your non-dominant hand’s side, as how the two interact during the fold would determine which side eventually faces buttside.
Fair enough!
While we’re in the bathroom…guys.
Lift the seat, pee, put down the seat, flush, wash your hands.
I’m a guy and so few of my fellow men do all of these.
What the fuck, fellows?
Put the lid down. Everyone. Everytime.
I just want to avoid the toilet paper touching the wall.
I genuinely couldn’t give two shits how you hang it. Y’all need to find something else to obsess about
C’mon, it’s a classic Internet debate, barely anyone takes it seriously, but people will stand their ground for the meme
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What sick bastard uses toilet paper single layered?
A poor sick bastard, not everyone can afford those fancy quilted double ply TPs
Double-layered can sometimes have a rough side too