I hope it was a genious piece of code that was miles ahead of what it replaced.
And still it got rejected 😄
Linus has really gone off the deep end
It’s funny but a obvious fake. There’s no such thing as “permanently” closing a Github issue.
I swear that used to be a thing (like instead of “wontfix” it was “permanently”) or maybe I’m misremembering.
Found the original, looks like this one is a bit different
There are people in PR thread explaining it’s a reference to this screenshot. Which is fake, for the record.
The weirder part is the issues they don’t do that in.
Different user but probably based on this:
- https://github.com/mpaland/printf/issues/15
- https://github.com/blueman-project/blueman/issues/1110
- https://github.com/punesemu/puNES/issues/153
- https://github.com/LIJI32/SameBoy/issues/455
- https://github.com/fairyglade/ly/issues/435
- https://github.com/EasyRPG/Player/pull/3107
And they break character in https://github.com/linuxwacom/xf86-input-wacom/issues/257
All of those are dated after the meme. I think it’s safe to say that account is based on this meme, not the other way around.
Yea, that’s what I meant. I just worded it badly.
This person is a treasure
This is what being on the Internet does to people.
It makes you fuxy wuxied?
And it is beautiful!
And that’s how it spreads.
One of us. One of us. One of us.
ffxiv catgirls are a gateway to fur suits.
Programming socks were a mistake.
Well how fucked up are his/her commits? Straight blinding matterial + useless?
Yeah good code is good code. Bad code is bad code.
Wait, since when?
I think you forgot to mention code that actually runs. I am sure I’ve seen some repos that really work! /S
This PR/meme is my spirit animal
Dan Abramov swearing is like seeing a unicorn
Imagine meeting this person irl
Anime is cancer
But so kawaii UwU
Omae wa mou shindeiru
This isn’t anime’s fault. I’ve been into anime for like 30 years, and this phenomenon is new to the last like 6.
I think this phenomenon has been new to the last few years for about 20 years already
But I also don’t think there are many people who do this seriously
I love it when you talk dirty like that 🫦